
Science Articles #1 due Sept. 27thSunday, September 16, 2018 at 12:09 pm

Mrs. LeBlondDear Students,
From the two articles below, select one to read. Next, summarize in complete sentences 2 facts you learned from it. In addition, share a new vocabulary word (the words that appear in blue) that you learned from the article.
This assignment is due by Sept. 27, 2018 by 8 p.m.
Mrs. LeBlond

Iron Man's Flight Suit Is Now A Reality!

Iron Man fans rejoice! The flight suit that transforms Tony Stark into a superhero is now a reality! Called Daedalus Mark 1, after the mythical Greek craftsman most famous for the feather wings he, and his son Icarus, used to escape from the kingdom of Crete, it is the brainchild of British inventor Richard Browning.

Science Articles #1 due Sept. 27thSunday, September 16, 2018 at 11:53 am

Introducing The Scutoid — A Newly Discovered Shape Hiding Inside Our Bodies

Just when we think we have discovered, and mastered, every shape in the world, comes the scutoid. The three-dimensional prism-like struture has been hiding in plain sight in all living creatures including humans. While not visible to the naked eye, scutoids, the shape skin cells take as they bend, twist, or turn, are everywhere – in your armpits, elbows, organs, and even all over your face.

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