Catch You Later, Traitor

Catch You Later, Traitor

By Avi

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   The Collison's are an ordinary family, and Pete's a normal kid... until the FBI show up at his door and accuse him and his family of being Communists. Set in 1951, during the Red Scare - when the cold war was really beginning to solidify - this suspenseful, middle grade novel explores the impact of the War on an average American family. As Pete digs into his family history, using the sleuthing skills he's learned from Sam Spade and radio dramas, his world is rocked. Is his dad really a Communist, and his grandfather too? And what does that make Pete? Is that why his friends won't talk to him anymore? 
     Based on the author's own childhood experiences, CATCH YOU LATER, TRAITOR explores the meaning of belonging, the pain of ostracism and isolation, and the power of paranoia and fear that so easily turns neighbour against neighbour. Written by Newbery winner, AVI.
Publisher: Algonquin Young Readers
ISBN-13: 9781616205874
ISBN-10: 1616205873
Published on 3/1/2016
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 304

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