Honda's U3X May Make Walking Uncool!

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If you are one of those people who hates to even take a step, than you are going to love Honda's U3 -X, a personal mobility vehicle that can be used to zip down streets, offices and even inside homes!

Weighing a mere 22lbs, the two-wheeler that resembles a unicycle comes with foldable seats and foot rests, making it extremely portable. It is fitted with a lithium battery that when fully charged, holds enough power to keep cruising for a full hour.

The U3-X has no controls and according to the company does not require any kind of 'training' to ride. Simply sit on it, lean in the direction you wish to go and you will soon be zooming effortlessly to your location.

The easy balance and navigation is made possible by a new technology that Honda has dubbed 'HOT' (Honda Omni Traction) Drive System that enables the driver to control the vehicle with their upper body movements. Also, within the single wheel of the U3-X, lie many small motor-controlled wheels that help it go in different directions easily.

However, before you retire those walking shoes, be warned that this is just a prototype - Honda is still not sure when the U3-X will go into production or, how much it will cost!, the

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  • la_eliza
    la_elizaabout 11 years
    I personally think that they are just being lazy...
  • heyhvethbgfeabout 11 years
    I am going to get that soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • crazydancerover 12 years
    im making my mother get that for me
    • lololo
      lololoover 12 years
      This is the coolest thing I have ever seen.
      • peypeyangus
        peypeyangusover 12 years
        Walking has always been uncool but now they made walking even MORE uncool!!!
        • TaySwiftabout 13 years
          r those on sale anywhere?
          • Jaypee about 13 years
            Hmmm, well this is a cool device. Does it make lots of noise when you ride it?...
            • Bobover 13 years
              • 945876321over 13 years
                got to get me one of those
                • Sophiaover 13 years
                  >__> this is an excellent way to get FAT D:<