The Talent Show from the Black Lagoon (Black Lagoon Adventures (Pb))

The Talent Show from the Black Lagoon (Black Lagoon Adventures (Pb))

By Mike Thaler

1 rating 1 review
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 3 - 5Grades 1 - 4N3.2n/a
The kids have to perform in the talent show just because mean Mrs. Green says so! Everyone will have to show a talent for exactly one minute -- in front of the whole school and their parents! Starring in the talent show from the Black Lagoon would give any kid stage fright - but with a little luck this performance might just turn out to be fun!
Publisher: Scholastic
ISBN-13: 9780439438940
ISBN-10: 0439438942
Published on 7/1/2004
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 64

Book Reviews (1)

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One day the teacher says that they are going to have a talent show. Everyone knows what to do except Hubie. He tries to figure out but then his mom gets involved. She says he should take piano lessons. Hubie does not want to do that. Now he has to take piano lessons!ugh! What happens next?Read to find out!I recommend this book to younger readers . I rate this book 2/5 stars šŸ˜ - Pizzagirl7 šŸ˜‰