The Princess Knight

The Princess Knight

By Cornelia Funke

1 rating 1 review 1 follower
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n/aGrades 2 - 5M4.31059
Cornelia Funke, author of the international best-seller THE THIEF LORD, makes her brilliant debut as a picture-book writer with this winning tale of a young princess's adventure!

Violet is a young princess who wishes she could show the world that she is just as brave and strong as her brothers. But her strict father insists that she get married, and her brothers only mock her when she wants to be included in their fun. So Violet decides to use her intelligence and bravery to show everyone--once and for all--what she's made of. Disguising herself as a boy, Violet takes part in a knights' jousting tournament. When she wins the contest, she reveals her true identity--and wins the prize of freedom!
Publisher: Chicken House Ltd
ISBN-13: 9780439678520
ISBN-10: 0439678528
Published on 6/1/2004
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 32

Book Reviews (1)

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I like this book because there's a princess in it and the king is funny because he teaches her how to be a knight. The illustrations look realistic. Violetta practices the things that he brothers can do better until she can do it better. I like that she surprises her Dad by saving the day and marrying the gardener. You should read this book because it's a fun book!