THE BEST NEST (Beginner Books)

THE BEST NEST (Beginner Books)

By P. D. Eastman

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Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 1 - 3Grades 1 - 3J2.1719
'I can read it all by myself' is the Beginner Books motto, and behind it is an understanding of how important it is for children to take pride and pleasure in their early reading. Beginner Books have been designed to appeal directly to children through the use of humour, rhyme, and bright pictures that can be 'read' even by the non-reading child. Some Beginner Books are simple stories, others are hilarious nonsense: both types have been designed to give children confidence and make them want to go on reading. Two birds face many decisions and dangers before finding THE BEST NEST. This dramatic story will engage the interests of both beginning readers and their younger brothers and sisters.
Publisher: HarperCollins Children's Books
ISBN-13: 9780007224814
ISBN-10: 0007224818
Published on 1/1/2007
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 64

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