Kids Books - United

A Long Way from Chicago by Richard Peck

A Long Way from Chicago by Richard Peck

By by Richard Peck


Mary Alice and Joe thought they where going to have a normal summer with their perfectly normal grandmother. Wrong. So wrong. There grandma might as well be the craziest grandma anyone could ever have. And the kindest. And the funniest. And the trickiest. Although Mary Alice and Joe are a long way from Chicago everything is going to be okay as they learn important lessons and make friends. My brothers and I laughed so much when we read this book for school. It is really funny.

The Hole Story of the Doughnut

The Hole Story of the Doughnut

By Pat Miller

I don't usually like history-type books, but this one seemed fun. The bonus? It was about doughnuts, one of my favorite topics. It was fun to learn about the history of doughnuts. It also taught me that people can play different roles in history.

Sweet Home Alaska

Sweet Home Alaska

By Carole Estby Dagg

Sweet Home Alaska was an intriguing story of a young girl named Terpsichore, who's family became pioneers in Alaska around the time of the start of the Great Depression. Terpsichore had always been inspired by Laura Ingalls Wilder and dreamed of living just like her! The move to Alaska was a shock because the town was under construction, the family had to live in a tent and leave almost every bit of their civilized life behind. All the same, Terpsichore fell in love with the Alaska wilderness and even when her mother became so homesick she threatened to bring the whole family back to their first home in Wisconsin, the little girl fought for the place she had come to love! This is a great book full of adventure and HUGE pumpkins!!



By Esther Ehrlich

If you love books that have a twist at every turn,this book is for you.This is a book is a gem and therefore, it needs to be added to your library. This is about a girl named Naomi who is trying to find her own way in life. When her Mother becomes extremely sick, her whole life changes. She is very sad because her mom is suffering and she needs somebody to lean on. Then she discovers Joey, the distinct boy next door. Together, they form an alliance and set off for an adventure that can only result in what their both missing:Joy. Now Naomi has to ask herself one more question: How will I get by? Naomi must go deep within herself to figure that out. Will Naomi get by through this dramatic time in her life? Or will she just fall to pieces just like her Mother?

The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

By Jacqueline Kelly

This was an interesting story about a young girl in the early 1900's who is learning her place in the world. In this story Calpurunia is the only girl in a family with six brothers. As she comes to understand her grandfather as a teacher, she also struggles with her mother. Her mother wants her to become a domesticated wife, who knows how to sew, cook, knit, etc. But Calpurinia is not interested in these things at all. She just wants to study science and nature with her grandfather, and maybe become a scientist herself, not a housewife. As Calpurnia tries to keep her family together she learns lessons of trust and self-confidence, and being who you really are inside. I recommend this book to older people, however there aren't any action scenes, and some people may become bored with the storyline if they do not enjoy this type of book, setting in the past.

The Long Winter

The Long Winter

By Laura Ingalls Wilder

Girls should read this book. It is totally good. But i felt bad for the families that were starved. That part i cried. it was so sad. Sometimes can be fun but sometimes it can harm people.

These Happy Golden Years (Little House)

These Happy Golden Years (Little House)

By Laura Ingalls Wilder

These happy golden years it's so good tube out Laura she goes to town for2 months for teacher and he has to stay at her uncle's house and she doesn't like her uncle's wife she's crazy and mean like really mean once in the middle of night she said that she kicked he kicked her and she took the knife and said did you kick me and you said no and she almost got killed and on the weekends on Fridays when she gets back from work mushy gets to go home and that's 24 miles cuz they live in the Prairie and it's really good book can't wait to finish it

Time For Kids: Harriet Tubman: A Woman of Courage

Time For Kids: Harriet Tubman: A Woman of Courage

By Editors Of Time For Kids

This is a very inspiring book to tell you anything is possible .Harriet was born as a slave and she made up her mind that she would not did as a slave .Harriet in all of her lives freed hundreds of slaves and through out all of that heart breaking things happened like her husband didn't think that she wouldn't get caught so she left in the middle of the night to free the slaves without telling him and she came back months later and he married somebody else .she died at the age of 93 years old but everyone is not sure because the slave owners didn't really keep track of there ages .she died in auburn ,new York ..I really liked this book I recommend it to anyone who is interested I rate this book 5/5 stars 😁

The Call of the Wild

The Call of the Wild

By Jack London


The Call of the wild. When I read ''The Call of the Wild''. It was sad and quite inspiring. In this troubled book it's like Jack London is telling a powerful and strong massage. Although this is only a shortened version of ''White Fang '' it is still just as good. In this story Buck a much loved dog is kidnapped and transported to the snowy northwest Canada where he must work for the gold hunters of the 1890s gold rush. As the adventure unfolds Buck finds himself becoming more wild until the end Buck must fight a pack of wolves and answers to the call of the wild. Buck is an amazing and wild at heart character that is brave and true. this really shows what people can do to dogs and what dogs can do back. I give this book 4\1-2 stars. It is so sad that Jack London killed himself and I recommend it for people a least 13+ because of the strong volante themes.

Zane and the Hurricane: A Story of Katrina

Zane and the Hurricane: A Story of Katrina

By Rodman Philbrick

I completly agree with Mrs. Jagielski's comment on the book. A very emotional book. I cried a few times, like when he jumped out of the car to get Bandit, when the flood started, when Bandit almost died of heatstroke, and when Bandit got shot. But it is still an awesome book and i think that everyone should read it. BTW I love dogs thats why I cried a lot for Bandit :'(

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