Kids Books - Social

My Life as a Cartoonist (The My Life series)

My Life as a Cartoonist (The My Life series)

By Janet Tashjian

Nice I wish that my life was written in a book It's rally cool can you even battle with avacodes I can't really I can't Well I just wish I get to read this nice and awesome book

Frogs & French Kisses (Magic In Manhattan)

Frogs & French Kisses (Magic In Manhattan)

By Sarah Mlynowski

this book is sooo good!!!!!!!! I just finished reading it. Even though it's 10 pm. I absolutely love reading. Now, back to the book. It's about a 14 yr old girl in high school, (9th grade), and her little sister is 12 yrs old and in middle school. She finds out that her mom and sister are witches, and at the end of the book, she turns into a witch herself.! Her mom and dad are divorced and her dad.......... ugh fine, Just go read it yourself!!!!!!!!!!!! Please do

Circle of Gold (Apple Paperbacks)

Circle of Gold (Apple Paperbacks)

By Candy Dawson Boyd

Great Book. Very loving.😊

The Clone Codes

The Clone Codes

By Patricia C. McKissack, Fredrick L. McKissack, John Patrick McKissack

It looks pretty cool

behind the lines

behind the lines

By Isabelle Holland

I thought it was a good book I was shocked to see the First battle of Bull Run in my book. For me I don’t get why there has to be slaves why can’t people just stop being lazy to do there own chores or whatever they have to do. The book had a nice beginning I like how they had Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant in it and The first Battle of Bull Run

Cliffhanger (Biscuit Barrel)

Cliffhanger (Biscuit Barrel)

By Jacqueline Wilson

I would really like to read this book!

From Anna

From Anna

By Jean Little

I loved this book. It is totally amazing. It is the best book ever

The Fallout

The Fallout

By S. A. Bodeen

This book is super good so far!

A Dog Called Grk (The Grk Books)

A Dog Called Grk (The Grk Books)

By Joshua Doder

Really good !!

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