Kids Books - Science

Lady Knight (Protector of the Small, 4)

Lady Knight (Protector of the Small, 4)

By Tamora Pierce

Probably one of the best books EVER WRITTEN! You will love this action-packed book. Kel is a Lady knight now, and she goes on an adventure to conquer her worst fear. It won't be easy, though.

Small Medium at Large

Small Medium at Large

By Joanne Levy

Liliah is a small girl, a medium, and has a large heart. She can hear her grandmother and other dead people. She has a lot of fun and it kind of shows us that books don't have to be all dark and dangerous.

The Flower Fairies (Fairy Realm, Book 2)

The Flower Fairies (Fairy Realm, Book 2)

By Emily Rodda

These books are pretty good. They're really easy reading, which would make you think "Oh, rozeb wouldn't like those. She's too much of an advanced reader." But the part that I like about them I'd that I love the world where it's set and I love all the characters. I really like Jessie, and Maybelle, and Granny. I even like Irena. Kind of.

As I Wake

As I Wake

By Elizabeth Scott


I really love this book I literally cried.

Ghost of a Hanged Man

Ghost of a Hanged Man

By Vivian Vande Velde

i have not gotten far on it, but so far creepy and and non boring from the start. keeps you on the edge of your seat and is very exciting. Its a must read!

Ultimate Hulk vs. Iron Man: Ultimate Human

Ultimate Hulk vs. Iron Man: Ultimate Human

By Warren Ellis

i hope iron man wins the fight

Never Let You Go

Never Let You Go

By Emma Carlson Berne

I really want to read this book! I read the description and this book sounds awesome!

Apocalypse Memories (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Apocalypse Memories (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

By Laura J. Burns, Melinda Metz

I have never read this book but i am obssesed with the show.

Sorta Like a Rock Star

Sorta Like a Rock Star

By Matthew Quick

this book is pretty good minus the cussing, but it gets really sad in the end...

The Battle for the Castle

The Battle for the Castle

By Elizabeth Winthrop

rlly good book

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