Kids Books - Science

Big Foot and Little Foot (Book #1)

Big Foot and Little Foot (Book #1)

By Ellen Potter, Felicita Sala


i raely love this book

Giver Quartet (4 Book Series)

Giver Quartet (4 Book Series)

By Lois Lowry

I love the giver but I have not read gathering blue or the messenger. I would like to read them because I want to know what happens. #lovethegiver

Try This Extreme: 50 Fun & Safe Experiments for the Mad Scientist in You

Try This Extreme: 50 Fun & Safe Experiments for the Mad Scientist in You

By Karen Romano Young


Nice could be helpful for my teacher ill tell her right now!!

Dracula Doesn't Play Kickball (The Adventures of Bailey School Kids, #48)

Dracula Doesn't Play Kickball (The Adventures of Bailey School Kids, #48)

By Debbie Dadey, Marcia T. Jones

Unlike the other titles from the same series, the story doesn't progress that fast. To put it in a better way, let's just say that all the time the children were chasing after nothing at all, making the story a bit boring, talking about stuff that as repeated multiple times in the story. I am a bit disappointed by this one, as compared to other titles in the main series.

The Castle in the Mist

The Castle in the Mist

By Amy Ephron


The book is amazing.

Oh My Goth (Harlequin Teen)

Oh My Goth (Harlequin Teen)

By Gena Showalter

No name please

This sounds like a really good book!!!

Prophecy of the Sisters (Prophecy of the Sisters Trilogy, Book I)

Prophecy of the Sisters (Prophecy of the Sisters Trilogy, Book I)

By Michelle Zink

No one else has read this book either? :'( This is a good book! It is set back in the late 1800s, so I can see how a lot of people wouldn't be interested...but still. There are many plot twists in this book. But here is a summary (AND MANY SPOILERS): Alice and Lia are rich twins. Their mother died when they were children, and their father died more recently. After his death, Lia notices a strange mark on her wrist. Lia then discovers a book about a prophecy: A Gate, Lost Souls, a Guardian, Samial, Keys, and an Angel. Lia was born first, but Alice was always obviously in charge. Alice-the more popular of the two-is starting to act stranger and not like herself. Lia - the one less socially acceptable-follows Alice and one of her friends after escaping from a book shop on a school field trip. They head to a mansion, and inside they find a girl who can communicate with spirits. The girl speaks with their father, turns white, and ushers them back outside. Lia dreams that night that she is flying. Dark creatures appear and give chase. Sonia (the girl who can communicate with spirits) tells her to run. Lia joins her soul back with her body and Sonia comes to visit her. Sonia explains that it is called "traveling the planes". Sonia starts taking apart the prophecy with Lia, and they figure out Lost Souls are angels turned bad and cast from heaven. When Lia and Alice go back to school, no one looks at Lia except for a girl Luisa. Luisa is not socially accepted because she is from a different country, so Lia and Luisa start to be friends. They discover more about the prophecy with Sonia. They meet Madame, a french woman who is an expert in witchcraft. Madame shows them different books that help them continue to learn. Alice uses a knife to cut through a circle on the floor that was protecting Lia from the Lost Souls, and Samuel, the world Lost Soul, who wants to enter the earth as a shadow through Lia. The gate turns out the be Lia, the guardian turns out to be Alice (who wants to let the Lost Souls come in and destroy the world) and the Keys are Sonia and Luisa. Two other girls are the keys but I don't know yet because I haven't read the other books. This is a really good book, and more people need to read it, but I am not going to write any more because I am not sure if this has a word limit.

The Unicorn Chronicles #3: Dark Whispers

The Unicorn Chronicles #3: Dark Whispers

By Bruce Coville

SPOILER ALERT!! In this book Cara is in the land of the unicorns and gets captured by the delvers. She makes a friend in their jail and names him Rocky. When a delver gets thrown in a delver jail they do not get to keep their name.:( They escape from the jail safely without getting hurt but a lot of their other friends got hurt from helping Cara and Rocky. In the middle of the book she finds out that Beloved their sworn enemy is trying to make a portal to Luster to kill all the unicorns. In the end of the book Beloved gathers her helpers known as the hunters and opens the portal to Luster on the night of the blood moon and then the book is over. I loved this book because, it had a lot of detail and adventure along the way. I also liked it because, it has a lot of fictional creatures such as the Dimblethum, Unicorns, Trolls, and a Squijium! This book was a very great mystery/adventure bok. I loved how everyone wanted to help each and other to fight their sworn enemies. The Hunters.

Voyagers: Project Alpha (Book1)

Voyagers: Project Alpha (Book1)

By D. J. MacHale

Voyagers is an okay book. It tells about eight kids, selected as part of the Voyager program, battle it out to be the first four kids in space, to find a new power source for earth. Out of the eight kids, Piper, Dash, Carly and Gabriel are chosen. They train and go to space, but what if the other four will be present outside earth too... I found it exciting at first, but you may want to wait a while before you read it again. It's storyline isn't one you'll want to go back to ten days after you read it, but it is a good story, even if it will only be interesting a month from now.

Phineas Gage: A Gruesome But True Story About Brain Science

Phineas Gage: A Gruesome But True Story About Brain Science

By John Fleischman

It's really interesting to learn about it and you will love it. I liked the part where Phineas refused the offer of the pebbles.

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