Kids Books - Science

Being Dead

Being Dead

By Vivian Vande Velde

You guys should read this book it is amazing!!! It is a book a bout ghost and other kind of stuff. I am not going to spoil the rest for you!

Smells Like Dog

Smells Like Dog

By Suzanne Selfors

Do you want to read a story about a dog that doesn’t make you cry? Well, Smells Like Dog by Suzanne Selfors is the book for you. This book takes place in modern days, and traverses through many different locations such as the pudding farm, the town of Milkydale, the big city, Ajitabh’s tower, the museum, and Madame’s lair. The protagonist is Homer Winslow Pudding. He is a 12 year old boy with big hopes of becoming a treasure hunter and becoming like his departed Uncle Drake. The antagonist is Madame le Directeur. She is the one who murdered Homer’s uncle because they were looking for the same map. The book focuses on a very droopy dog named Dog. He was Homer’s uncle’s most valued possession due to his secret treasure hunting abilities. The first conflict in the story is that Homer’s father will not let him pursue his treasure hunting dreams. The second and larger conflict is that Madame Le Directeur is looking for the same map that Homer is, and is willing to kill him to get it. The turning point is when Homer’s uncle’s most treasured possession is delivered to him after the death of his uncle. This possession turned out to be a very droopy dog with a mysterious coin that throws Homer into his treasure hunting dream. This book was great. It was funny, mysterious, and very enjoyable. I recommend it to everyone with a sense of adventure.

The Game of Lives (The Mortality Doctrine, Book Three)

The Game of Lives (The Mortality Doctrine, Book Three)

By James Dashner

One of James Dashner's good books I would give it 5 stars because of its aspiring video game scape. I would recommend his book to people who like to play video games.

Vampirates: Black Heart

Vampirates: Black Heart

By Justin Somper

Wow! It was cool to get to know Sally and Dexter. And Lady Lola Lockwood is a really well developed character, even if she is a villain. (Johnny is still my fave though <3) Cool twist ending- and what a big secret thats revealed! Really made me think twice about... never mind,

Janitors, Book 2: Secrets of New Forest Academy

Janitors, Book 2: Secrets of New Forest Academy

By Tyler Whitesides

This book is so good. The main events are when they start to go to the New Forest Academy When they escaped, when Meredith came, and when they escaped the school. My opinion on this book is it is really good because it has a lot of action and the characters are really funny.

There's a Tiger in the Garden

There's a Tiger in the Garden

By Lizzy Stewart

This looks like a sequel to A Tiger At Dinner. I love that book!

your name., Vol. 2 (manga) (your name. (manga))

your name., Vol. 2 (manga) (your name. (manga))

By Makoto Shinkai

This book is very interesting and deep. No blood, but may be disturbing for some very delicate people. Another amazing Makoto Shinkai manga book!

The Time Warp Trio:  Tut, Tut

The Time Warp Trio: Tut, Tut

By Jon Scieszka


This book was very awesome because of the action, hooks and surprises. They were very catchy. I loved when they introduced the Hot Snot character. He was funny but spiteful.

The Boy from Tomorrow

The Boy from Tomorrow

By Camille DeAngelis P

This is a story about two sisters and a boy, but they live in different times. The boy lives in the present and the sisters, Cassie and Josie live in the past. They talk to each other by a board. Josie and Cassie leave letters for Alec the boy to find. Only the sister's mother does child abuse and takes their beloved tutor, Emily away from them. The girls set out to find Emily which, in one word leads them to adventure.

Kat, Incorrigible

Kat, Incorrigible

By Stephanie Burgis

Spaced out

I really love this book!! It took five shouts from my cousin to get me to put the book down. A little romantic as well, I must add. But, please do remember it is for 10 and above. I can finally see why. Maybe don't give it to your younger siblings unless they are above or are at 10 years of age.

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