Kids Books - School

Anna and the French Kiss

Anna and the French Kiss

By Stephanie Perkins

This book was so good! It's really romantic, sweet and cute, but it's so much more than that. The book was also funny and unique. Instead of a simple sweet little romance, this book has quick witted, intense humor and its characters are simply out of this world. Anna, the protagonist, has the strongest voice, and all her actions and dialogue just showcases her personality even better, even when she has flaws and insecurities. I learned that you don't have to be perfect to be a hero. There were so many things that I loved in the book. For one, the plot - Anna and St.Clair start out as friends. Anna has feelings for a co-worker back at home in the States while St.Clair has a girlfriend that is much older than he is. The author doesn't rush the plot like some other authors do, instead she lets the whole story build up slowly, and that's what I really like about this book.

Dress Coded

Dress Coded

By Carrie Firestone

Molly Frost is an 8th grader who notices injustice in her school. Mr. Dern, Dr. Couchman, and Fingertip are on dress-code patrol, but here's the problem. They are only dress coding girls. For the silliest of reasons. And what's worse is that they are only dress coding the girls with curves, while girls like Molly, who are late bloomers, or in other words, 'invisible' are completely shunned. Molly and her friends are outraged by this, so Molly decides to start a podcast. She has guest come on her podcast, and share the story about how they got dress-coded. From tampon fails, to fevers. From showing shoulders, to sunburn. The more episodes the podcast has, the more drama gets stirred up, and what's worse, is Molly's home situation. Her older brother is addicted to vaping, and her mother is always stressed. But everything that happens is actually a big help to Molly. Before, nobody listened, let alone even cared about the podcast. Now, everybody listens to it, and it even grabs attention by places outside of the school. This story also feature LGBTQ+ awareness, vaping, and smoking addiction, nicotine dealing, bullying, sibling rivalry, puberty, women's rights, friendship, and so much more. It teaches girls and boys not to be ashamed of who they are, what they wear, and what they look like. Full of soul and emotion to the point where I even felt the same emotions as Molly. I highly recommend it. This is by far my favorite book.

Lauren The Puppy Fairy (Pet Fairies #4)

Lauren The Puppy Fairy (Pet Fairies #4)

By Daisy Meadows

i think the puppies she cares for are as cute as a little button. but i think the goblins that work for Jack Frost should get a lot smarter in order to out smart the fairies.

Uni the Unicorn and the Dream Come True

Uni the Unicorn and the Dream Come True

By Amy Krouse Rosenthal

The is the second Uni the Unicorn book. I read the first one, and then read this one today. I like unicorns. I like this book.

I Really Like Slop! (An Elephant and Piggie Book)

I Really Like Slop! (An Elephant and Piggie Book)

By Mo Willems

The book I love slop is a family friendly book. I love slop is around maybe a kindergarten level but after all everyone can read it!

Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea (A Narwhal and Jelly Book #1)

Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea (A Narwhal and Jelly Book #1)

By Ben Clanton

One day narwal goes to a different part of the ocean and narwhal finds a jellyfish .the jellyfish doesn't think the narwhal is real because jellyfish has never seen one before .🙂 even know jellyfish isn't sure if narwhal is real yet . They decided they could still be friends.then narwhal joins a the end of the book narwhal shows jellyfish how to use (his or hers) personal favorite part of the book is the narwhal song.I rate this book 4/5 stars and I recommend to all ages.thank you so much for reading my review -Pizzagirl7 😁

A Whole Lot of Lucky

A Whole Lot of Lucky

By Danette Haworth


Hailee Richardson's family is poor. They have to buy their clothes from Goodwill and the Salvation Army and Hailee has to have a ratty old bike that gets made fun of. Hailee sometimes gets bothered by this, but not often. After all, she's got an awesome friend who's always by her side! But then something terrific happens to her family. They win the lottery! It's like someone opened a new door to Hailee's life. She now has a brand new bike, a new phone, and...goes to a fancy academy? Hailee's best friend now seems not too cool compared to her new fancy school, and when Nikki- a bad girl- wants to be her friend, Hailee's life is still changing. Pranks, kisses, and a fallen friendship are all in this book, making you turn the page, curious of what is going to happen next. Happy reading!

Purple Princess Wins The Prize

Purple Princess Wins The Prize

By Alyssa Crowne

I want to read this book because my sister found in one bag that my big sister took books for us and my sister saw it we saw the behind we saw many books and now we like it because me and my sister too saw it and now she is reading it and I really like the book and the color thing of the Behind book is that and I really like the book my favorite color is pink.



By Ursula Vernon

Dragonbreath is about a dragon called Danny Dragonbreath. Danny need to write a report about ocean, so he go on an adventure with his friend, a iguana called Wendell and his cousin, a sea serpent called Edward. The main characters in the story is Danny, Wendell, and Edward. They are having an adventure and they do the most thing in the story. Danny is not very credible, he always want to do work in last second and he likes adventures. A lot of times I do work at the last second, and my grade is not very good on that. I like this book, there is some comic in the book, it make the book easier to understand and it is more entertaining.

Ever After High: A Semi-Charming Kind of Life (A School Story)

Ever After High: A Semi-Charming Kind of Life (A School Story)

By Suzanne Selfors

This book is awesome!!! I love the Ever After High stories! This one is about Darling Charming and how she doesn't like Damsel in distressing class. So she goes to Hero Training class, in a suit of armor, and she is so good at it! I totally recommend this book and its series. I checked this book out of a library but then I got it for Christmas, but I love this book so I don't care. Have a nice day and keep on reading!!😀😀

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