Kids Books - School

Scrambled Eggs at Midnight

Scrambled Eggs at Midnight

By Brad Barkley, Heather Hepler

"Since I have read one of Heather Hepler' s book I would love to read them all! Unless there age appropriate for me. I doubt there not."

Super Chicken Nugget Boy and the Furious Fry

Super Chicken Nugget Boy and the Furious Fry

By Josh Lewis

Some classmates really liked this silly book. It's part of a series, so if you like this one, you can try more. If you are interested in unusual superheroes, you'll love it. Maybe you'll even invent your own.

Smudge's Grumpy Day (Smudge & Stripe)

Smudge's Grumpy Day (Smudge & Stripe)

By Miriam Moss

Smudg's looks out her window and she said. 'i'll be stuck inside all day. Then she went to the kitchen and Stripe said you look like you want some breakfast do you want some breakfast? Smudge said NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then she went outside and slammed the door.

Horrible Harry Moves up to Third Grade

Horrible Harry Moves up to Third Grade

By Suzy Kline

So far the book is great.Harryand Doug could not find their classroom and then the principal told them it was up the stairs.

The Diary of Ma Yan: The Struggles and Hopes of a Chinese Schoolgirl

The Diary of Ma Yan: The Struggles and Hopes of a Chinese Schoolgirl

By Ma Yan, Pierre Haski

I can really relate this book to the life of people in China in the previous generation. My parents' childhood would probably be like Ma Yan's childhood.

Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Terrible Terrel

Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Terrible Terrel

By Whoopi Goldberg, Deborah Underwood


Terrel's dad is in love with Terrel's enemy's aunt. And if that isn't enough she want Terrel to bond with Tiara Girl. Even worse, she treats Terrel like a kid!

If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period

If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period

By Gennifer Choldenko

Ok, I know only two things about this book, Kirsten and Walker. So sorry can't really remember what happened. Really good though.

Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Sugar Plums to the Rescue!

Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Sugar Plums to the Rescue!

By Whoopi Goldberg, Deborah Underwood


Jessica finds a stray cat but she can't keep it. first she tries to contact adoption centers but they're no help.And great some man is trying to tear down the building.

Marvin and the Meanest Girl

Marvin and the Meanest Girl

By Suzy Kline


IT is SO fun.The meanest girl is named lucy she is a kid thief she steals a lot of things from her classmates.

Ruby Lu, Empress of Everything

Ruby Lu, Empress of Everything

By Lenore Look

this is the most amazing book about two girls named ruby & flying duck.I did my book report on this book.and i love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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