Kids Books - Magic

The First Dragon (Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, The)

The First Dragon (Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, The)

By James A. Owen

i never read this book but my brother has and he said it is cool so i am about to read it

Here, There Be Dragons (Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, The)

Here, There Be Dragons (Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica, The)

By James A. Owen

This book was good. I liked the two books in this one copy. t was interesting, but not a faveorate.

Far World,  Vol. 1:  Water Keep (Farworld)

Far World, Vol. 1: Water Keep (Farworld)

By J. Scott Savage


"Fantastic! In Farworld, everyone can perform magic — everyone but Kyja, that is. The mysterious reason why is as fantastic and inventive as the terrific adventure that follows. I loved it!" — Dean Lorey, author of Nightmare Academy Other people may see thirteen-year-old Marcus Kanenas as an outcast and a nobody, but he sees himself as a survivor and a dreamer. In fact, his favorite dream is of a world far away, a world where magic is as common as air, where animals tell jokes and trees beg people to pick their fruit. He even has a name for this place — Farworld. When Marcus magically travels to Farworld, he meets Kyja, a girl without magic in a world where spells, charms, and potions are everywhere, and Master Therapass, a master wizard who has kept a secret hidden for thirteen years, a secret that could change the fate of two worlds. But the Dark Circle has learned of Master Therapass's secret and their evil influence and power are growing. Farworld's only hope is for Marcus and Kyja to find the mythical Elementals —water, land, air and fire —and convince them to open a drift between the worlds. As Kyja and Marcus travel to Water Keep, they must face the worst the evil Dark Circle can throw at them —Summoners, who can command the living and the dead; Unmakers, invisible creatures that can destroy both body and soul; and dark mages known as Thrathkin S'Bae. Along the way, Marcus and Kyja will discover the truth about their own heritage, the strength of their friendship, and the depths of their unique powers.

Ghost of a Chance (Girl Meets Ghost)

Ghost of a Chance (Girl Meets Ghost)

By Lauren Barnholdt

Wow this book looks amazing i thought to my self this is a good looking book so im gonna tell you about it! 4-8-Seventh-grader Kendall Williams is able to see and communicate with ghosts. She has had this ability her entire life, but stopped mentioning it some time ago. If she helps the ghosts, they are able to move on into the afterlife, and they leave. She meets a gymnast ghost who is trying to move on, but the trick is figuring out what Danielle needs to do to actually get there. Kendall tries to maintain a semblance of a normal life; she and her best friend are both interested in boys.

The Harder the Fall (Girl Meets Ghost)

The Harder the Fall (Girl Meets Ghost)

By Lauren Barnholdt

lady love

I love the first one and I still love its a good story I think the author did a good job and I can make connection to the story love it

Deltora Quest #2: the Lake of Tears

Deltora Quest #2: the Lake of Tears

By Emily Rodda

It is a very good but easy bunch of books to read. It is a good book with good and bad happenings the reading level is probably bellow mine but the story line is extremely good.

The Clone Codes #1

The Clone Codes #1

By Patricia C. Mckissack, Fredrick McKissack, John McKissack

I really like this book how its adventure and the awesome science technology! But what I really like about it was when Leanna life when from good to horrible!

The Hound of Rowan: Book One of The Tapestry

The Hound of Rowan: Book One of The Tapestry

By Henry H. Neff

This is an outstanding book about a boy who realizes he has magic within him and gets to attend a supercool boarding school. There he meets new people and has intersting classes all while a silent evil is rising to power.

The Fiend and the Forge: Book Three of The Tapestry

The Fiend and the Forge: Book Three of The Tapestry

By Henry H. Neff

I read this book and the whole series is a very good mix of romance, action, and comedy. Great book for anybody who likes Harry Potter.

The Maelstrom: Book Four of The Tapestry

The Maelstrom: Book Four of The Tapestry

By Henry H. Neff

This book is about the demon Astaroth and Prusias who are fighting for power and the world is in danger because of it. Max and David must work together and use their magic to stop the war machines Prusias is going to use to take out Astaroth and rule the world. If you like Harry Potter, you will LOVE this story!

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