Kids Books - Magic

Skulduggery Pleasant Playing with Fire

Skulduggery Pleasant Playing with Fire

By Derek Landy

This book is the second book of the Skulduggery Pleasant series and in this book, Valkyrie (Stephanie) and Skulduggery are trying to stop Baron Vengeous from being dark evil gods back to the world. While reading this book, there are parts where it's funny and there are parts where its sad, and I liked how the author wrote the conversations of the characters. I also liked how the author made the book unpredictable and added surprising events, so when I was reading the book, I didn't expect those events or endings. I think Valkyrie is like the character Harry Potter from the Harry Potter series because in the beginning Harry doesn't know a lot of magic but still manages to defeat Voldemort or his minions several times, and even though Valkyrie isn't very powerful, she still beats Baron Vengeous and Dusk by outwitting and tricking them. I would recommend this book to people who enjoyed the first book Skulduggery Pleasant and would rate it 5/5 stars.

Reckless (Mirrorworld)

Reckless (Mirrorworld)

By Cornelia Funke

The book "Reckless" is a very good book. It's about a boy who finds a whole other world in the mirror he found in his father's office. He accidently took his little brother into the mirror world and turned him into a person made entirely of jade. Anyway this is a fantastic book and I really recommend this book to everybody.

May Bird and the Ever After: Book One

May Bird and the Ever After: Book One

By Jodi Lynn Anderson

This book was my childhood. I checked this book out so many times in my school library that my librarian had to buy another copy because this one was always by my side! I unfortunately don't own a copy of this for myself, but I'll be getting it soon. This book is amazing and perfect if you're adventurous like I was when I was a kid.

May Bird, Warrior Princess: Book Three

May Bird, Warrior Princess: Book Three

By Jodi Lynn Anderson

This book was my childhood. Another amazing installment in this series. This authour does not disappoint at all. All of her work is frickin amazing.

Among the Stars (May Bird)

Among the Stars (May Bird)

By Jodi Lynn Anderson

This book was my childhood. Another amazing installment in this series. This authour does not disappoint at all. All of her work is frickin amazing.

Molly Moon's Hypnotic Time Travel Adventure

Molly Moon's Hypnotic Time Travel Adventure

By Georgia Byng

Molly Moon gets sucked into another adventure. Molly and her dog Petunia are brought into the 1800's and learn of a man who is obsessed with time travel. He struggles to get rid of her, as she ruined his plans. This book was surprisingly good.

Igraine The Brave

Igraine The Brave

By Cornelia Funke

I clung to every word of the audio version of this book for hours on a three day car ride. I took the ride twice. This book was amazing both times, with an exquisite vocabulary and a great plot overall! Igraine grew up in a very powerful family of sorcerers. They live in a magical castle that spews fire and own singing magic books. The only problem is, Igraine has absolutely NO INTENTION of being a wizard when she grows up. She'd rather be a proper knight! Just before her birthday, her parents are suddenly turned into pigs on accident! Igraine has to go on a quest to get giant hairs, which will turn her parents back into-well-parents! Along the journey she meets the Sorrowful Knight of the Mount of Tears, a knight who is haunted by his failure. He agrees to escort her on her dangerous mission back home. Only, when Igraine gets home, she'll have to use every knightly bone in her body to protect the singing books from someone more dangerous then she could ever imagine... --BKS reviews

The Neptune Project

The Neptune Project

By Polly Holyoke

I started to read this book because the back cover of the book was seriously interesting: A girl finds out that the reason why she is socially awkward and has weak lungs & eyes is because she was genetically altered to survive under the sea. I mean, how awesome is that? (She can also talk telepathically.) I won't spoil the rest, but this book was, like, the second best book I've ever read. At first I had doubts about reading it, but now I can just escape a boring situation by thinking about it.I was

Mary Poppins Series (4 Book Series)

Mary Poppins Series (4 Book Series)

By P. L. Travers, P. L. Travers

These books.. where do I start? I loved it! I got the entire series for Christmas, and finally finished...three years ago? When I was little I wanted to BE Mary Poppins. I mean seriously, who doesn't? This is one of my all-time favorites, and Travers really does a good job bringing the characters to life, to the point where you wouldn't be surprised to see them walking the streets or in your school.

Peter Pan Step into Reading (Disney Peter Pan)

Peter Pan Step into Reading (Disney Peter Pan)

By RH Disney


I like this book beacause if you see the animation it is realistic fiction

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