Kids Books - Literature

Havoc (Haven)

Havoc (Haven)

By Mary Lindsey

Kayleigh Mcleod

People have to say that they have a lot more to do so if they are in the United kingdom but the United states and the united kingdom for the country you know I

Samantha Sanderson Off the Record (FaithGirlz / Samantha Sanderson)

Samantha Sanderson Off the Record (FaithGirlz / Samantha Sanderson)

By Robin Caroll

I liked it, so Sam Sanderson is an cheerleader. She wants to be an award-winning journalist like her mother, so she tries looking for stories for her school newspaper where she wants to become the boss.One day, the grades are being tampered with, Sam must get Makayla’s help in hacking the system/database/porthole to discover the virus that was used to hack in.



By Eleanor Glewwe

Annika Biondo

It was an awesome experience it made you feel like you were in another world.

Animorphs: The Invasion

Animorphs: The Invasion


the main events in this story are about how Yeerks come to earth. Te enemy alien came to earth but he is nice to the people. The Yeerks came and killed the alien. So Jake and macro tobias and Rachel 2 hours went pas so he stay a hawk for ever. I did not like this book i lobed it! I lived it because it was super funny because when tobias turned into a hawk couldn't turn back

By Jack London The Call of the Wild (Great Illustrated Classics)

By Jack London The Call of the Wild (Great Illustrated Classics)



this is my favorite book,I've done read it like 100 times, so you can see how much i like it,I've read it 2 times in one day.As you know it has a sad and a happy ending.It makes almost cry yet I smile.

Common Sense

Common Sense

By Thomas Paine

I enjoyed learning about the American Revolution in school, but actually learning it from the perspective of a colonist. If you read my review of War and Peace, this might be a bit like that. This was like War and Peace, but shorter and they used words like "thereof" more often (Not like that's a problem, obviously). It was only 58 pages long, but it still took me like an hour to read (which is really saying something). Thomas Paine's pamphlet sold over 100,000 copies in the first three months, which is pretty amazing! I mean, he might not have thought his publication would have such a huge impact on the Patriots (and now the Loyalists probably hated him. I'm not sure about the neutrals. Neutral, maybe? Whatever)!! This was AMAZING to read. If you want to read it, be warned, it's slightly dry, but if you really want to learn about the American Revolution, then you'll probably love it. My class just finished learning about the American Revolution and I really wanted to read Common Sense. So I did! It's not a novel, or a biography, or an atlas, or a fact book, but a PAMPHLET (Look it up. It's probably in the dictionary. The word pamphlet, I mean. P-A-M-P-H-L-E-T. Easy). Read it! It's good (and thin)!

Timothy of the Cay

Timothy of the Cay

By Theodore Taylor

This book was really interesting! It is about Timoty and Phillip again but in a prequel-sequel style. This book gives a backstory on Timothy's life as a kid all the way through his middle-aged years. It talks about how he learned to survive on the cay and his experience with ships. In Phillip's chapters, it talks about Phillip and his life after he was rescued from the cay. It gives a story of what he had to go through to get his sight back and to fulfill his dream of seeing the cay with his own eyes. Timothy has a dream too. He wants to get his own ship one day. Read Timothy of the Cay to find out if they will fulfill their dreams. I made a text-to-text connection with this book because I read the first book to this: The Cay. I would rate this book a five out of five stars because it had a lot of feeling to it, and it was interesting to learn about Timothy's past and Phillip's future.

Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 8 (VIZBIG Edition)

Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 8 (VIZBIG Edition)

By Akira Toriyama


Zombies Are People, Too (Project Z #2)

Zombies Are People, Too (Project Z #2)

By Tommy Greenwald

I think this book is good becouse it is a boy his name is tommy he's a nerd at school and get's bitten by a zombie he get's bullied a lot he has one friend called riely or ricky they are both very dump but they full in love with a zombie girl named brichet or richet brichet is realy smart shes also a cheerleader but has a crush on a socer player is nsme is jimmy so that's why it's the best book ever i give it a rate 5/5

Saving Marty

Saving Marty

By Paul Griffin

Such a great book. I am only halfway there, but it's already so goood!!! Great book- I think it would be 8+ and an ABSOLUTE must read

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