Kids Books - Issues

So Much Closer

So Much Closer

By Susane Colasanti


This was a surprisingly great book. Great for people who like to read romance novels! Looking forward to reading more of Susane Colasanti's novels!~kb<3

Expecting: a novel

Expecting: a novel

By Lula Belle

Amazing book! Did you know that you aren't supposed to put bags over their heads? So much valuable information!

Degrassi Junior High: Joey Jeremiah

Degrassi Junior High: Joey Jeremiah

By Kathryn Ellis

i really want to read this book because joey is a funny person. i love degrassi alot i can't wait to read this book

Bang (Orca Soundings)

Bang (Orca Soundings)

By Norah McClintock

it is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so good

The Celestial Globe: The Kronos Chronicles: Book II

The Celestial Globe: The Kronos Chronicles: Book II

By Marie Rutkoski

The book is amazing, engaging and fast. Petra is an awesome character who will do anything for her family/friends. Not gonna say more, read it.

Paint Me Like I Am: Teen Poems from WritersCorps

Paint Me Like I Am: Teen Poems from WritersCorps

By Bill Aguado, Richard Newirth

Even though this book is for teens I think it sounds Crazy! Which I like crazy things!!! Victoria likes a lot!

Water Balloon

Water Balloon

By Audrey Vernick

A great mix of fun, divorce hardship, and teen love. best book eva! there is this girl named Marley and this guy named Jack. SPOILER ALERT!!!!! don't read on if you don't love spoilers! Her friends basically ditch her and move on because of some water balloons.... Hehe...

Diva (Flappers)

Diva (Flappers)

By Jillian Larkin

This book covers a lot of topics that tweens and YA are faced with like racism, drinking, and peer pressure. There are three girls with three stories that all blend together to make a really great book.

Dark Secrets 1: Legacy of Lies and Don't Tell

Dark Secrets 1: Legacy of Lies and Don't Tell

By Elizabeth Chandler

This is so suspenseful because you automatically know there is a secret and no one wants to share it, it all starts with the main character who is girl. I am not saying names.



By Lisi Harrison

This book is about a girls in the pretty committee, Kristen. She is stuck at home without her friends. Kristen is tutoring a 10 year old girl, Ripple. Ripples older brother is a surfer named Dune and she starts to like him, Read this book to find out the rest.

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