Kids Books - Friendship

Shopkins: The Ultimate Collector's Guide

Shopkins: The Ultimate Collector's Guide

By Jenne Simon

this book very great . if you are a person who likes shopkins but does not know how to keep tract of there shopkins this book is good with information

Towers Falling

Towers Falling

By Jewell Parker Rhodes

SPOILER ALERT!!! THis book is about a girl named Deja who lives with her siblings Raymond and Leda and her parents, Pop who never seems to get better and is scary when he`s mad and Ma in Avalon Family Residence which seems nice, but it isn`t. Everyone at Deja`s new school seems to know about 9/11 except Deja, besides the fact that she`s lived in Brooklyn basically her whole life. At her old school nobody wanted to be friends with Deja because her family is homeless so she is suprised when Sabeen and Ben want to be her friends. When Deja goes over to Ben`s house he shows her a video of 9/11. Oh, how did Deja never know about it. After some investigating, (looking through an old suitcase) Deja finds that her father survived 9/11. She`s shocked, how did she never put the pieces together before?

The Girl Games (Goddess Girls)

The Girl Games (Goddess Girls)

By Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams

The first Girl Olympics have begun! After countless instances of persuasion and action, the Goddess Girls have finally convinced Zeus to let them host the Girl Games, under the condition that they are officially called the Heraen Games. Now, the goddessgirls train fiercely for different events. But the first girl games do not start out well. Suspected sabotage, overwork on Artemis' part, boy drama, and unexpected hindrances not only make the games the first of their kind, but one of the craziest!

Secret of the Wings Junior Novelization (Disney Fairies)

Secret of the Wings Junior Novelization (Disney Fairies)

By RH Disney

This book is fantastic, and it even is a movie! Like disney Frozen, Tinkerbell and her new sister that she never knew she had have an Anna and Elsa relationship. But soon a hige problem is caused by bringing just one fairy to a place that she shouldn't. It is an adventure that you will never forget!

The Green Glass Sea

The Green Glass Sea

By Ellen Klages


Dewey Kerrigan doesn’t exactly fit in. She builds radios and gadgets out of junk, and one of her legs is shorter than the other, so she walks funny. But she doesn’t really care. All she needs- and wants- is her father, a brilliant scientist who is off working on some secret government project. So when Dewey finally gets to go live with her father, she is excited, even though no one will tell her where she is going to live. Dewey arrives at the hill, where scientists from all over the country have gathered to work on a top secret government gadget to stop the war. Dewey loves that she is surrounded by geniuses, lives close to the dump for collecting junk, and best of all, lives with her father. And then there’s Suze, who longs to be accepted with other kids at the Hill, and makes fun of Dewey to gain favor. But Suze and Dewey have a lot more in common than they might think, and soon their friendship blossoms. And in the midst of a crisis and sorrow, who better to be there than a friend? I loved the way the author was able to make me feel sympathy for the character’s emotions and situation, and I couldn’t put the book down.

SMASH: Trial by Fire

SMASH: Trial by Fire

By Chris A. Bolton

i love this book and want to read more but sadly they dont have the others in our school

Amelia Bedelia Makes a Friend (I Can Read Level 1)

Amelia Bedelia Makes a Friend (I Can Read Level 1)

By Herman Parish


Amelia bedelia makes A friend is A very good book why I love it is because they are sorta like the same things the problem in the story is so interesting I Like the way the problem is solved!my favorite part of the story is when they first meet that is why you should read this book!

Girls Can!: Smash Stereotypes, Defy Expectations, and Make History!

Girls Can!: Smash Stereotypes, Defy Expectations, and Make History!

By Sebastian, Marissa, Pruden, Tora Shae, Towler, Paige

Girls can do anything any year any month any week any day. Girls can change the world or become the 1st women president or the 1st women on the moon. Girls can even accomplish things that only men have been able to do. If we believe in our selves one day women can do anything!!! -Cupcakekitty181. Please follow me if you liked my speech or agree I promise I will follow you ASAP. Thanks

The Wednesday Wars

The Wednesday Wars

By Gary D. Schmidt

A comedy isn’t about being funny...a comedy is about characters who dare to know that they may choose a happy ending after all.” Wednesday Wars, (p.262). The novel Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt, is a piece of realistic/historical fiction set in 1967-1968 on Long Island. It follows a 7th grade boy named Holling Hoodhood. Holling starts the 7th grade, and is immediately convinced that his teacher, Mrs. Baker, hates him. The book follows Holling through the ups and downs of the school year. A notable character in the book is Doug Swieteck, another kid in Holling’s class. Doug is shown to be a bit of a trouble maker, but Holling seems to be friends with him to some extent. This is shown when Holling states, “Doug Swieteck once made up a list of 410 ways to get a teacher to hate you… I think things became illegal around Number 167.” (p.1) Also, a notable event in the book is when Holling saves his sister from being hit by a bus. When Holling goes to the hospital Mrs. Baker and his principal seem to show more concern for him than his parents. This is illustrated by the text, “When Mrs. ‘Your father has spoken over the phone with the nurse at the front desk. He has given approval for any necessary procedure, and says that, since everything seems under control, he will be along as soon as may be convenient.’” (p.126) Despite that, the tone is generally light-hearted and humorous. Holling narrates in a way that reflects the ideas and perceptions of a typical 7th grader. For example, “Reading Shakespeare. Of all the strategies Mrs. Baker could have come with, this would be the worst. Teachers bring up Shakespeare only to bore students to death. And I was going to be bored to death for the next 8 months. No human being could stand it.” (p. 40) Lastly, one of the themes of the book seems to pertain to growing up and destiny. Holling's father has pretty much planned out what both his kids are going to do with their lives. He expects certain things of them, and expects them to go along with his plans. Holling's older sister, Heather, repeatedly tries to go against their father, but she rarely gets anywhere. Holling generally tries not to rock the boat, but this fact changes as the book goes on. And at nearly the end of the book, Holling has a conversation with his father that illustrates this. His family is leaving Danny's bar mitzvah, and Holling's dad makes a comment about it. Holling voices his disagreement on this comment, and his dad asks him to explain his point. They then have a short conversation about growing up and becoming a man. Holling disagrees with his father's views, but instead of backing away from the conversation, he stands his ground. Holling's father asks who Holling is, and Holling responds, " 'I don't know yet,' I said finally. 'I'll let you know.' " (p.261). This implies that Holling plans on figuring out his own future despite of what his father says. This theme of the book seems to be: "Even though life can be hard, you don't have to let it defeat you. You can choose your own destiny and it's possible to be alright." In conclusion, Wednesday Wars is a somewhat entertaining book. It should be read by anyone who has nothing better to do. Its contents include the light humor and slightly interesting characters of a typical middle-grade novel.

Hello, Mallory (The Baby-Sitters Club, No. 14)

Hello, Mallory (The Baby-Sitters Club, No. 14)

By Ann M. Martin

Mallory is struggling to get into the BSC. They make her do tests that nobody could pass! She makes a new friend, Jessi and wonders if she could just start her own club. I thought this book was okay. it wasn't my favorite, but it was okay. I would highly recommend reading this book instead of skipping to number 15 in the series. It might be a little confusing.

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