Kids Books - Fiction

Hachiko Waits

Hachiko Waits

By Leslea Newman, Machiyo Kodaira

I love the part when Yasuo gives the speech at the end and he's going to cry but he see's a little boy about his age when he first meet Hachiko, the little boy smiles at him and Yasuo smiles back : )

Tallstar's Revenge (Warriors Super)

Tallstar's Revenge (Warriors Super)

By Erin Hunter

I decided to read this because I love the series and I wanted to see what tallstar's full life was like,and it's pretty cool so far and well,idk where I am in the book so,ya,I hope u will read it too,cya!😀

Usborne Young Reading 3-38 : Animals at War

Usborne Young Reading 3-38 : Animals at War



It is an interesting and amazing book of real stories how the soldiers use the animals to the war. So I don't have to read it please buy it. It's really amazing when you by it you're notice that it is an amazing book and you all will like it, so please buy and read the book. Thank you.

High-flying Helicopters (Amazing Machines)

High-flying Helicopters (Amazing Machines)

By Tony Mitton

If you love helicopters like me this handbook of high flying helicopters will teach you how to fly these magnificent helicopters🎅💳

Pteranodon: The Life Story of a Pterosaur

Pteranodon: The Life Story of a Pterosaur

By Ruth Ashby, Phil Wilson

If you love Pteranodons like me this book of Pteranodons:life story of a pterosaur I recommend this book of Pteranodons that you learn about these magnificent Pteranodons how they fly, eat, communicate the other Pteranodons.

The Fate of Ten (Lorien Legacies)

The Fate of Ten (Lorien Legacies)

By Pittacus Lore

This book, The Fate of Ten, by Pittacus Lore is the sixth book in the Lorien Legacies series. While reading this book, I got really excited in some parts and I wonder if the series is going to end here on this book. Usually in a book, there is a small battle they'll encounter with the Mogadorians. This time, it's like World World II starting again. Not just facing some Mogodorians, they are facing Strakus Ra and his huge army. The entire city was massacred and the gardes are not gather together to fight everything. There are lots of conflicts and events happening at the same time, there isn't any peace moments. I'm actually relief at the end to know that this isn't the last book of this series. I would definitely recommend everyone to read this series of books, it's really unpredictable, you can't see what's coming next, that is what makes it so amazing!

Molly Mini Doll and Book

Molly Mini Doll and Book

By American Girl

i love molly

The Tra-la-laaa-rific Captain Underpants Collection (Books 1-4)

The Tra-la-laaa-rific Captain Underpants Collection (Books 1-4)

By Dav Pilkey


in the book it fun becuse the men was waring ond pans i love this book a lot becuse ti to buch fun it mamde me jumep of my set it( so so so so fun happy at THE EAD of the book)

Lost in the River of Grass (Carolrhoda Ya)

Lost in the River of Grass (Carolrhoda Ya)

By Ginny Rorby

Could you imagine being stuck in the Florida everglades. For 5 days. In the book Lost in The River of grass by Ginny Rorby the main character Sarah and a boy she met while on this field trip get lost in the Florida everglades. The antagonist is the treacherous waters and the blazing hot sun. The protagonist Sarah and Andy. A problem Sarah and Andy face is not having enough to eat or drink. Another problem they experience is having to trudge through knee deep water which what they're stepping in is mud and limestone which has holes in it. I would say the turning point is when they start to hear planes and helicopters flying around them. I would recommend this book to 6th grade and up this is a YAC book so it has some advanced stuff. But if you can handle that kind of stuff this is a great book about survival and perseverance. Will they make it out or will they die unknown.

The Secret of the Mansion

The Secret of the Mansion

By Julie Campbell

This is the first trixie belden book you should read first. Because it explains alot!!!!!!! you should so try it out

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