Kids Books - Family

Egghead: A Novel

Egghead: A Novel

By Caroline Pignat

this is a really good book, made me emotional at times and really happy too :)

Adam of the Road

Adam of the Road

By Elizabeth Janet Gray

Do not recommend! I read once in a class reading group and we had to pick another because it was very uneventful. Do not recommend!

The Little Girl Who Wanted to Be Big

The Little Girl Who Wanted to Be Big

By Dave Engledow

There once was a little girl who wanted to be big. Her dad told her that to be big she had to think big. So she did and she grew taller than the tallest buildings, larger than the largest mountains, and big enough to reach the farthest planets. But being the biggest person in the universe also makes it hard to go home. What's the biggest girl in the world to do when she's grown up a little too fast?

The Program

The Program

By Suzanne Young

Okay, so I read just the beginning of this book, and it already talked about, you know suicide...on the first page. This book goes over sensitive topics. If you are younger, I wouldn't suggest this book, and if your 12-14 and you don't know what suicide means, I suggest you talk to a parent about it first before getting the book, and get your parents permission before reading the book, also. They may not think that you are not ready to process/read that stuff. Overall a good book.

Five Ancestors Out of the Ashes #1: Phoenix

Five Ancestors Out of the Ashes #1: Phoenix

By Jeff Stone

I never read a special edition before!!!!!!;9

Rainbow Fish Classroom Companion

Rainbow Fish Classroom Companion

By Marcus Pfister

This is a wonderful book. It teaches children the important lesson of sharing. Although it can be difficult to share something special to you when you share with others it's bring you happiness from inside. A timeless book that teaches kids the importance of sharing while keeping their attention. The illustrations are beautiful as well.

The Rule of Three: Fight for Power

The Rule of Three: Fight for Power

By Eric Walters

The Rule of Three Is A Good Start to A Trilogy Hello this is a review to a great book called The Rule of Three. The author to this book is Eric Walters. The genre of this book is action and adventure. The Rule of Three is a story about a post apocalypse after all electronics go out. Now, I know what you're thinking, isn't that just a power outage, actually it is not, because every electronic goes out including, phones, cars, and planes. The first question I had while reading this book is why is the book called The Rule of Three. The reason the book is called that is, a human can only last on average, 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. Now that I have explained why the book is titled why it is I can summaries the story. One day at 16 year old Adam Daley's high school he was typing an essay the power goes out. Everybody is complaining that they did not save their essay, while Adam is wondering why his laptop also went out at the same time. School was dismissed early and Adam and his friend Todd went to Adams old car. But it was struggling to turn on. But in a flash it did. Adam and Todd were surprised because everyone elses car was not working. So Adam and Todd drove home but, only a few cars were working, and all of them were old. Just as they were about to reach Todds house, a huge, storm comes, what is happening. This was a great book but I feel they took a big break in between action parts. For example Adam his mom and a cop break through a window in a car to get food. But we have to wait about 80 pages to hear about the next action event. Reading this book was fun and I can't wait to read the next one.

Fourth Grade Celebrity (Casey, Tracey, and Company)

Fourth Grade Celebrity (Casey, Tracey, and Company)

By Patricia Reilly Giff



Nightrise:  The Gatekeepers series #3

Nightrise: The Gatekeepers series #3

By Anthony Horowitz

I really liked this book because now they actually have a whole new problem in their hands. I liked how Horowitz made it so that there were actually two twins and a lot of the book was also in their perspectives (mostly the smaller twin, Jamie). What happens is that the two twins get kidnapped by a company called Nightrise, and they are supporting the old ones (main enemies). So that's a whole organization against the five. The smaller twin, Jamie manages to escape but the older one Scott gets caught and the book is mainly about Jamie trying to get Scott. Their telepathic power also stops working for a long time because of the distance between the two. I thought it was an amazing great book and I just couldn't put it down.

Twelfth Grade Kills (The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod #5)

Twelfth Grade Kills (The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod #5)

By Heather Brewer

alec w.

i thought this book was a very well written and exiting book for everyone to enjoy. i really liked the first 4 books but this one is by far my favorite book out of the series it is a must read if u are into the series.

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