Kids Books - Children

Space Explorers (Magic School Bus Science Chapter Books (Pb))

Space Explorers (Magic School Bus Science Chapter Books (Pb))

By Eva Moore

The book the Magic School bus space EXPLORERS is a very good book because the book has everything i like,like zooming through space having a robot right by you.

The Magic School Bus: Inside a Hurricane

The Magic School Bus: Inside a Hurricane

By Joanna Cole

In this book, it contains information about hurricanes and the geography of it. You will learn about how they form and what the parts of a hurricane are called. While learning more about them, you will have tons of fun! I would recommend this for ages 7+ I'm too old for this book and it is only the basics about hurricanes. Not bad, but they could add more detail.

The Magic Schoolbus Goes Upstream: (el Autobus Magico Va Contra Corriente) (MSB)

The Magic Schoolbus Goes Upstream: (el Autobus Magico Va Contra Corriente) (MSB)

By Nancy E Krulik

i also watched the movie for this but the book was better. i wish i had a magic school bus. arnold should be grateful for such amazing trips

Middle School: Born to Rock: (Middle School 11)

Middle School: Born to Rock: (Middle School 11)

By James Patterson

This book was really good. I decided to read it because I read the other ones in the series and I liked them. It has the point of view from Rafe's sister Georgia. It is really good because it is about how she wants to start a band.

The Thing About Georgie

The Thing About Georgie

By Lisa Graff


This great book keeps on moving with exciting events. Georgie is short. He can’t do many things. Jeanie signed him up for the president play without telling him. Something bad happened with his friend. He is bullied by Jeanie. When he is having trouble, he tries to be patient or he tries to do something that makes it better. Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn’t. He also becomes a big brother. The book keeps on moving: One thing happens, and then another happens, but then it’s all connected. I like that it has many details describing each character. I think this book is complete with details. I have read it so many times that I memorized certain parts, such as: “Because the thing was, Georgie Bishop was a dwarf.” Also, wherever I go, I think about the book. For example, when I go to camp, I think of Georgie going to school. You should read the book. If you start, you will keep going! You might think a lot about Georgie like I do.

The Search for the Missing Bones (The Magic School Bus Chapter Book, No. 2)

The Search for the Missing Bones (The Magic School Bus Chapter Book, No. 2)

By Eva Moore

I like this book because it gives facts about science.The book is a spooky and adventuras.I would really recomend this book to people.If you are a person looking for a good sceince book it is this one

The Kindness Club: Designed by Lucy

The Kindness Club: Designed by Lucy

By Courtney Sheinmel

Lucy Tanaka, Chloe Silver, and Theo Barnes formed the Kindness Club, testing different acts of kindness at school, their neighborhoods, and their homes. And, Lucy gained best friends, something she didn't have before. One day, she learns that Serena's mother has recently died, and Serena's birthday is next weekend. Lucy wants to help her lift her spirits, thinks of the perfect way to do it. The Kindness Club is going to throw the best surprise birthday party ever at Tanaka Lanes, her family's bowling alley. But some unexpected problems come and threaten to ruin their plans. Can the Kindness Club save the day???

Ultimate Explorer Field Guide: Insects: Find Adventure! Go Outside! Have Fun! Be a Backyard Insect Inspector! (National Geographic Kids Ultimate Explorer Field Guide)

Ultimate Explorer Field Guide: Insects: Find Adventure! Go Outside! Have Fun! Be a Backyard Insect Inspector! (National Geographic Kids Ultimate Explorer Field Guide)

By Libby Romero

If you want to learn about bugs that you can see just about any day and you love National geographic kids books this book is perfect for you! Read about gross German cockroaches, annoying flies, and some bugs you don't wanna find like bed bugs and kissing bugs. I recommend to all readers. Thanks for reading -Ajg16's reviews

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill

By Louisa May Alcott

Jack and Jill by Louisa May Alcott is a 24 chapter fictional book about two friends. They have small, lighthearted adventures over the course of one year. I really enjoyed connecting to the characters on a personal level, seeing myself in them more than once. If you've read A Wrinkle in Time, this book is similar in writing style. My favorite part about this book is that the characters make mistakes and learn from them. It makes them more relatable. I would highly recommend this book to kids who are reading the classics, who want to read a fun short story, or are learning about different sentence structures. From 0 to 10, I give this book a strong 8.

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