Kids Books - Adventure Books

Frightful's Mountain

Frightful's Mountain

By Jean Craighead George

I love JCG! Frightful is a falcon that was raised and trained by Sam Gribley, a boy who escaped New York City to live in the Catskill mountains. This part of the series is about how his falcon flew away, mated, made a nest on a shaking bridge, and migrated. Frightful struggled each day to survive and provide for herself. Will she make it till the end of her days or will the end come early?

Story Bends

Story Bends

By S D Henke

A great group discussion read about trauma through a fantastical lens.

Rainbow Valley

Rainbow Valley

By L. M. Montgomery

The Anne of Green Gables series continues with even more friends, acquaintances, and silly events. A wonderful read for all.

RILLA of Ingleside

RILLA of Ingleside

By L.M. Montgomery

The Anne of Green Gables series continues with even more friends, acquaintances, and silly events. A wonderful read for all.

Pellinor Series (4 Book Series)

Pellinor Series (4 Book Series)

By Alison Croggon

All four books in this series describe the life of a former slave who is meant to be a bard. She travels with her friend through the lands to fufill the prophecy that she had no idea existed.

Big Hero 6 Big Golden Book (Disney Big Hero 6)

Big Hero 6 Big Golden Book (Disney Big Hero 6)

By RH Disney


the book is awsome and cool i want wash the movie i can because i have sho box so i can watch what movie i like so cool

Unnaturals: The Battle Begins

Unnaturals: The Battle Begins

By Devon Hughes

We start this marvelous, awe-inspiring, journey with a classically lovable approach - we find Castor living on the streets - and yet, even from the very first chapter, I began to love Castor more and more. It's truly a rare thing to bond with the character from the first chapter; it takes very powerful writing to do such a thing. Mrs. Devon keeps the chapters flowing so smoothly that I could not put this book down. After we get a proper introduction to Castor's lowly existence on the street and discovering more of who he is, something terribly sad happens. He is tranquilized, taken from everything he knows and cares about, and caged. A needle is injected into his body. And then wings begin to sprout from his body. Then he is put in another cage - a permanent one. He is forced to endure horrendous beatings and death and despair. He is also forced to fight brutally deadly matches. But throughout all the agony, he has hope. I recommend this book to anyone - whether you're a dog-lover or cat-lover or anywhere in between, you will be cheering for Castor the whole way through.

Balto and the Great Race (Stepping Stones: A Chapter Book: True Stories)

Balto and the Great Race (Stepping Stones: A Chapter Book: True Stories)

By Elizabeth Cody Kimmel


I absolutly loved this book! I thought it was a cute book. There were some parts i didn't like,like the part that Balto died or when the dogs got sold to the museum but then there were some happy parts like when Balto took the lead and got them to nome in time and everybody got better because of the serium HORRAY FOR BALTO.(he saved the day.)

Eve and Adam

Eve and Adam

By Katherine Applegate, Michael Grant

Literally my favorite book ever!



By Meagan Spooner


This book is full of suspense. Love it.

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