Some Girls Are: A Novel

Some Girls Are: A Novel

By Courtney Summers

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Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 9 - 12Grades 2 - 4n/a3.963028

From Courtney Summers, the author of Cracked Up To Be, comes a dark new tale of high school rivalry in which vicious rumors and nasty tricks are the currency that buys you popularity or seals your fate at the bottom of the food chain.

Climbing to the top of the social ladder is hard--falling from it is even harder. Regina Afton used to be a member of the Fearsome Fivesome, an all-girl clique both feared and revered by the students at Hallowell High... until vicious rumors about her and her best friend's boyfriend start going around.

Now Regina's been "frozen out" and her ex-best friends are out for revenge. If Regina was guilty, it would be one thing, but the rumors are far from the terrifying truth and the bullying is getting more intense by the day. She takes solace in the company of Michael Hayden, a misfit with a tragic past who she herself used to bully. Friendship doesn't come easily for these onetime enemies, and as Regina works hard to make amends for her past, she realizes Michael could be more than just a friend... if threats from the Fearsome Foursome don't break them both first.

Tensions grow and the abuse worsens as the final days of senior year march toward an explosive conclusion.

“This story takes an unflinching look at the intricacies of high school relationships .... Fans of the film Mean Girlwill enjoy this tale of redemption and forgiveness.” ―School Library Journal

Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
ISBN-13: 9780312573805
ISBN-10: 0312573804
Published on 1/5/2010
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 256

Book Reviews (1)

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I wouldn't recommend this book to kids under 14. Although I'm 12, I am a very high leveled reader. This book was about a very common issue we girls go through. However, it may have disturbing things mentioned in this book. But still, a good read. :)