The Case of the Perilous Palace (The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency, Book 4)

The Case of the Perilous Palace (The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency, Book 4)

By Jordan Stratford

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The history-mystery-science series concludes as the Wollstonecraft Detectives--Ada Byron Lovelace and Mary Shelley--take on a case by royal request.

Ada's imperious grandmother has absolutely shut the Wollstonecraft Detective Agency down--until they get a case from a princess, that is.

The princess Alexandrina Victoria, age 9 (who will grow up to be Queeen Victoria), is the most closely watched girl in England. She is never alone. Every morsel she eats is catalogued. Every visitor overseen. Every move noted down. She has but one thing of her own--a sketchbook she uses as a secret diary, where she records her private thoughts in code. But now, somehow, that sketchbook has disappeared.

And so the princess enlists Ada and Mary to figure out what has happened to the sketchbook without arousing the suspicions of her minders. A most clandestine case indeed! One that will involve breaking into Kensington Palace and uncovering a host of surprising royal secrets...

This funny, Christmas-time romp of a caper will delight history and mystery fans alike.
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
ISBN-13: 9780553536447
ISBN-10: 0553536443
Published on 1/9/2018
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 224

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