The Mysterious Benedict Society

The Mysterious Benedict Society

By Trenton Lee Stewart

126 ratings 151 reviews 197 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 6 - 8V5.6118460

Dozens of children respond to this peculiar ad in the newspaper and are then put through a series of mind-bending tests, which readers take along with them. Only four children-two boys and two girls-succeed. Their challenge: to go on a secret mission that only the most intelligent and inventive children could complete. To accomplish it they will have to go undercover at the Learning Institute for the Very Enlightened, where the only rule is that there are no rules. But what they'll find in the hidden underground tunnels of the school is more than your average school supplies. So, if you're gifted, creative, or happen to know Morse Code, they could probably use your help.

Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
ISBN-13: 9780316003957
ISBN-10: 0316003956
Published on 4/1/2008
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 512

Book Reviews (150)

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This book is great. I read it, sort of racing with my sister, who was also reading it. You have to be completely committed to this book, because it does start out slow, but it gets better. It is about Constance, Kate, George (Sticky), and Reynard, who are all extremely smart in there own way. After seeing a mysterious ad in the newspaper, they each go take a difficult chain of tests. Will they pass, and, if they do, then what?

I love this book with mysteries and plot twists. It really gets you creative side working with the puzzles and riddles. This book is for anyone who likes to think and read. Great book!

Several children respond to an ad in the newspaper, and are put through several tests (some of which are unknown to them) in order to select the smartest four (two girls and two boys) kids that can be part of the Mysterious Benedict Society. This Society has a mission. But this mission will require these four gifted children to go undercover, and by doing so, will put themselves in great risk if they are found out, but will help many people if they do succeed. Will they be able to do so? Or will they get caught by their enemies? Read this nail-biting novel to find out! I really enjoyed this book, and am anticipating reading the other novels in this series.

It's a great book about a group of ingenious kids who make it into a group after they took a test. They are always smart in tight situations and always know what to do.

Reader13 Reader13

This book is AWESOME!! It is full of twists and mystery, with relatable fun characters. Ooh.. so good.

this book is amazing!!!!!!!!!!! <3

Smithers2000 Smithers2000

Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance have a few things in common. They are all orphans, they are all brilliant, and they all saw the add in the paper: &quot;ARE YOU A GIFTED CHILD LOOKING FOR SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES?&quot; The four children take the test, unaware that the others even exist. But when they are the only four to pass, a mysterious man brings them all together into a fantastic adventure which leaves you begging for more. Trenton Lee Stewart weaves an incredible tale filled with hair's breadth escapes, mind boggling riddles, and astonishing reveals in the end. Like the works of Blue Balliett, Roald Dahl, and Lemony Snickett, anyone can enjoy this book. It does have a bit of a slow beginning, but keep reading, I promise it will be worth it. Five stars for sure!

This book is a book you will remember for the rest of your life.

Kitty Kitty

I read this for school and it was amazing u should read it

This is one great book. When these 4 kids are chosen to help Mr. Benedict, Rhonda, and Number 2 figure out why kids are sending weird messages to the world. It is up to them to figure it out. Go on a journey with Reiny, Kate, Constance, and Sticky to figure out what happens. ENJOY READING.

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