Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

By Sharon M. Draper

380 ratings 505 reviews 558 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 3 - 5S4.356872
Possessing a photographic memory in spite of an inability to walk or speak, Melody is mistaken as mentally challenged by those who cannot see beyond her cerebral palsy, impelling her to discover a way to communicate.
Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
ISBN-13: 9781416971719
ISBN-10: 1416971718
Published on 5/1/2012
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 320

Book Reviews (484)

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Never did I thought how it would feel to have every single thought locked inside my head. How horrible it would be!? An eternal prison! This book was very heartwarming and encouraged me to write a whole essay based off of this book. I began to see the world with different windows.

This is one of my favorites! Melody is an amazing and relatable character, even if you don't have cerebral palsy. Melody struggles to communicate and finds a way to, but Sharon draper shows that not everything is sunshine and rainbows after that........great read, would definitely recommend this to anyone!

This is a beautiful story of courage, embracing differences, conquering obstacles and standing up for yourself! I really enjoyed reading this book and I would definitely reccomend it :)

I absolutely love this book. I thought it was so inspiring and I adored Penny. My favorite part was when she got her talking machine and said her first words. I felt so sad for Melody when all her friends went for the competition without her and when Penny got ran over. Melody is a very challenged little girl. Someone in my school has the same thing. Thank you for reading this. I hope you like the book as much as I do. 😊😍😊

This book follows a young girl who has a disability and has to be in a wheelchair. It's an amazing book and made me laugh and cry the whole time 😁😭. It shows just because someone has a disability doesn't mean there not smart.

Out of my mind is about a girl who can't talk, move, or feed herself. So, she finds a machine that can make her talk. Then, she gets selected to be on a quiz team. But, her teammates think she's weird and don't want her to be on the quiz team. It is an awesome book.

Soto 22 Soto 22

There is a girl who is disabled. A very sad story.

Melody is a challenged girl, she is unable to walk, talk, and eat by herself. Her whole life changes when she heard that she was going to get a Meditalker, which is a device that , if you press buttons, it will talk for you. She got one and started participating in classmore often. She also finds out that she is going to be a big sister. She, one day get to participate in the Whiz Kids tournament. She gets picked in the top 4 contestants and wins the first and second round! She gets to go to Washington D.C and participate in the final tournament. She arrives at the airport and realizes that everyone left without her to D.C. She is devastated , but is happy when her team lost badly!

This is my favorite book. It details the life of a person with a disability or illness. Melody wants people to know what she's thinking. some people treat her as if she is completely dumb and has no sense in life.But she does, she is actually extremely smart.She has a photographic memory so she remembers almost everything! Melody has a disorder in her body so she can't talk,walk, or do much of anything by herself. Most of her school life has been spent at home or in the special room for kids who can't care for themselves. Then they made an announcement saying they cold take a couple low key classes with the "normal kids". Melody was getting bullied a lot and the sad part is since she can't walk or talk then she can't stand up for herself. The book was sad in parts but fully described the life for a kid like her. She is so smart that she made it on the trivisa team for her school!!! But then there was a dilemma and she got left behind once. If you are looking for a warming heartfelt book then read this book, It is definitely a five star!

goldenstar8 goldenstar8

it's a good book for kids for older kids and more it entertained me for a while i've red it twice!

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