The Ickabog

The Ickabog

By J K Rowling

47 ratings 63 reviews 63 followers
From J.K. Rowling, a warm, fast-paced, funny fairy tale of a fearsome monster, thrilling adventure, and hope against all odds.

Once upon a time there was a tiny kingdom called Cornucopia, as rich in happiness as it was in gold, and famous for its food. From the delicate cream cheeses of Kurdsburg to the Hopes-of-Heaven pastries of Chouxville, each was so delicious that people wept with joy as they ate them.

But even in this happy kingdom, a monster lurks. Legend tells of a fearsome creature living far to the north in the Marshlands... the Ickabog. Some say it breathes fire, spits poison, and roars through the mist as it carries off wayward sheep and children alike. Some say it's just a myth...

And when that myth takes on a life of its own, casting a shadow over the kingdom, two children - best friends Bert and Daisy - embark on a great adventure to untangle the truth and find out where the real monster lies, bringing hope and happiness to Cornucopia once more.

Featuring full color illustrations by children from across the United States and Canada, this original fairy tale from one of the world's most celebrated storytellers will captivate readers of all ages.

Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
ISBN-13: 9781338732870
ISBN-10: 1338732870
Published on 11/10/2020
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 304

Book Reviews (57)

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I love all the names in it, and I am on chapter 6 and I love it so far!!

Looks good I just love love Harry potter and this should be just as good !!

Even with its typical beginning of once upon a time,"The Ickabog" is a telling with more twists and turns than J.K. Rowling's other stories. Ā Cornucopia,Ā a country rich with gold and fine, delicate foods, lived two friends, Bert and Daisy, who, along with their families and neighbors, loved the favorable Fearless King Fred. Their lives inĀ Cornucopia, however, were peppered with the legend of a horrid beast living amidst the marsh. Some say myth. Some say truth. Either way, theĀ Ickabog casted a shadow over the kingdom. The joys of Cornucopia were not shaken after a shepherd reports his dog being devoured by the Ickabog. But when King Fred and his army vow to hunt the Ickabog and bring vengeance, a horrible accident turns the myth of the Ickabog into a shocking reality.Ā  Secrets, lies, and deception areĀ mixed together and become a new recipe for the characters to create a deliciousĀ plot twist, revealing the true antagonist. Is King Fred truly fearless? How will two friends Daisy and Bert, once separated, find each other and help solve the mystery of the Ickabog? With each chapter leading to a new cliff hanger, J.K. Rowling has written a page turner so that you may find yourself reading the entire book in one sitting! I enjoyed reading about the unbreakable spirits and friendships of the people of Cornucopia. Rowling brings the flare of "Redwall" into "The Ickabog" making this a book that stands apart from "Harry Potter" all on its own.

Once upon a time inĀ Cornucopia,Ā a country rich with gold and fine, delicate foods, lived two friends, Bert and Daisy, who, along with their families and neighbors, loved the favorable Fearless King Fred. Their lives inĀ Cornucopia, however, were peppered with the legend of a horrid beast living amidst the marsh. Some say myth. Some say truth. Either way, theĀ Ickabog casted a shadow over the kingdom. The joys of Cornucopia were not shaken after a shepherd reports his dog being devoured by the Ickabog. But when King Fred and his army vow to hunt the Ickabog and bring vengeance, a horrible accident turns the myth of the Ickabog into a shocking reality.Ā  Secrets, lies, and deception areĀ mixed together and become a new recipe for the characters to create a deliciousĀ plot twist, revealing the true antagonist. Is King Fred truly fearless? How will two friends Daisy and Bert, once separated, find each other and help solve the mystery of the Ickabog? With each chapter leading to a new cliff hanger, J.K. Rowling has written a page turner so that you may find yourself reading the entire book in one sitting! I enjoyed reading about the unbreakable spirits and friendships of the people of Cornucopia. Rowling brings the flare of "Redwall" into "The Ickabog" making this a book that stands apart from "Harry Potter" all on its own.

A tale of delectable food, incredible friendship, and golden hearts from one of the world's most beloved storytellers! In truth, I didn't expect to like The Ickabog at all: of course, I was ecstatic when DOGO Books sent the novel to me, but I didn't think it could ever be up to par with the Harry Potter series, of which I had fallen in love with. And when I started reading, my thoughts didn't change much at firstā€”a stereotypical glorious kingdom, materialistic king, et cetera, et ceteraā€”until the plot thickened and I could not stop reading. Everything I considered flighty and unimportant in the beginning served as a runway for all the problems that began snowballing, and once again, J. K. Rowling's plot twists, multiple storylines, character development, and emotional scenes absolutely blew me away. I actually starting tearing up a bit halfway through, so relieved was I to see that familiar syntax and offhand humor of hers, and of course, I couldn't withhold the waterworks when the emotional scenes in the book rolled around. The Ickabog concerns itself with the struggle of orphanhood, the influence of manipulation, and how much power and fear one can really wield. The kingdom of Cornucopia fascinates me and I stayed up until one in the morning to finish reading this wonderful new world J. K. Rowling had created. One thing's for sure, this stunning author is not a one-trick pony, and Oliver Twist (Charles Dickens) meets The Darkdeep (Ally Condie, Brendon Reichs) in this new children's book, perfect for all ages.

One day the king of cornucopia , King Fred was called selfish and cruel by a little girl named Daisy. Unlike normal , King Fred took it to heart , and decided to go do something not selfish and cruel. Which was going to find the ickabog . Many people didn't believe in the ickabog but king Fred needed to do this , for the town! When he is there ( in this woods ) he doesn't think at all that the ickabog is real .But when a homeless guy comes to king Fred and asks for help , he agrees . Even know he says that the ickabog took his dog. When out of no wear king Fred sees the ickabog ( or he things he did . ) but when Lord spittleworth accidentally shoots his gun ( out of fear ) and shoots major beamish , Lord spittleworth knew he had to make up an excuse , so he wouldn't get blamed. He says that the ickabog did it . King Fred instantly gets scared . Throughout the rest of the book Lord spittleworth just keeps getting himself in more and more trouble . He keeps making up lies and killing people or putting them in prisoner to cover up his mistakes . Will spittleworth get caught ? Is the ickabog even real? You'll have to read to find out. I loved this book!!I rate it a 5/5 stars! J K Rowling did a great job with this book. I also loved how there was many drawings through out the story done by kids . I recommend this book for all ages . Thank you very much for this advanced readers book! šŸ˜- Pizzagirl7šŸ’‹

The Ickabog tells the story of a kingdom called Cornucopia. This kingdom is known for its famous, wonderful (sometimes even joyful tear-inducing) food, beverages, and goods. Cornucopia is ruled by King Fred the Fearless. Sadly, King Fred isnā€™t so fearless after all. His two best friends, Lord Spittleworth and Lord Flapoon, keep up a facade of King Fred being a selfless and courageous king to the people of Cornucopia. Most of the people listen to this - even King Fred goes along with it. He actually starts believing these lies about himself so much that he is almost convinced that he IS the fearless king that his title suggests. Besides the fact that Cornucopia has a falsely courageous king that is built up of lies, the kingdom couldnā€™t be more perfect on the outside. However, even in this picturesque kingdom, there is a monster that is rumored to lurk in the Marshlands. The name of this monster is called the Ickabog. Itā€™s rumored to eat sheep and even people! Some people say itā€™s just a myth or a childrenā€™s story... but is it? When the idea of the Ickabog being real wreaks havoc on the once peaceful kingdom of Cornucopia, good friends Bert Beamish and Daisy Dovetail decide to take matters into their own hands and figure out the truth of the Ickabog once and for all. Is the Ickabog just a silly myth or is there a real monster and danger lurks ahead? I really enjoyed this book! I loved the plot of the story and some of the complicated and corrupt characters. The Ickabog was not at all like Harry Potter (which I was sort of expecting) but a fantastic read nonetheless! I definitely recommend it!

KittyKat KittyKat

I think this is awesome because J.K. Rowling is one of my favorite authors and yeah... 5 STARS

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