Thunderbirds & Warlocks: YA Fantasy Novel (Serpent Diety Series)

Thunderbirds & Warlocks: YA Fantasy Novel (Serpent Diety Series)

By Willow Fae von Wicken

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Since the night a bolt from the blue struck 13-year-old Lachlan Wulf, strange things happened. His body was changing. The mark on his arm began to glow. When faced with bullies he suddenly became unbeatable. Then he heard a voice inside his head, it warned him. ‘He draws near.” Lachy didn’t believe in the Thunderbird, but soon discovered differently when he was caught in the midst of a battle between Thunderbirds and Warlocks. It was terrifying, and yet, he admired their awesome power. Lachy’s father, Horace Wulf had a secret. He was a sworn enemy of Thunderbirds, and hunted them, for more than just sport. Lachy’s love of his father, and loyalty that was growing toward the Thunderbird was frightening and confusing. Lachy must either see the extinction of the majestic Thunderbird Dragons, or risk the consequences of choosing the side opposing of his father. Forever changing his life, his home, and everything he ever knew.
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN-13: 9781484961421
ISBN-10: 1484961420
Published on 1/8/2012
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 276

Book Reviews (1)

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Emma Emma

This was a very interesting book. I thought it was fun to read and enjoyed the magic and learning about the Amish people in America. This book had good action and it was a very interesting story about a boy named Lachy and his friend the Dragon who gave him magical powers. I think everyone should read this book, I am sure that they will love it, just like I did. I wish book two would come out.