The School for Good and Evil

The School for Good and Evil

By Soman Chainani

206 ratings 317 reviews 248 followers
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Grades 4 - 8Grades 4 - 6n/a5.2105365

The New York Times bestselling The School for Good and Evil is an epic journey into a dazzling new world, where the only way out of a fairy tale is to live through one. Start here to follow Sophie, Agatha, and everyone at school from the beginning!

With her glass slippers and devotion to good deeds, Sophie knows she'll earn top marks at the School for Good and join the ranks of past students like Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Snow White. Meanwhile, Agatha, with her shapeless black frocks and wicked black cat, seems a natural fit for the villains in the School for Evil.

The two girls soon find their fortunes reversed—Sophie's dumped in the School for Evil to take Uglification, Death Curses, and Henchmen Training, while Agatha finds herself in the School for Good, thrust among handsome princes and fair maidens for classes in Princess Etiquette and Animal Communication.

But what if the mistake is actually the first clue to discovering who Sophie and Agatha really are?

Publisher: HarperCollins
ISBN-13: 9780062104892
ISBN-10: 0062104896
Published on 5/14/2013
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 496

Book Reviews (305)

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I love this book. I finished it yesterday.

This is an AWESOME book! I have read the entire series and i have officially named it #1 book. It’s about two girls, Sophie and Agatha who are kidnapped to go to the school for good and evil where adventure, sadness, and pleasure awaits them

this is such a this is such a

this is such a good book!! i have read the entire series and it is REALLY good. its about two girls who are kidnapped to the school for good and evil, where many adventures await them.

This is such an amazing book! The story about two girls who've got switched up somehow and how a handsome boy named Tedros gets in the way. It's a beautiful story and I can't wait for the sixth book to come out. I'm not supposed to put links to other websites but anyone who loves this series can search up this and will find a website for this series. Sophie is a powerful girl and lets people know it, she wears whatever she wants and goes after Tedros even though she is a never. The coven: Hester, Anadil, and Dot, are Sophie's roomates and they eventually become frenemies and teach Sophie they're ways while Agatha has to deal with pink dresses, candy, and annoyingly handsome boys. The Storian decides to start their story and the story doesn't stop. Tedros thinks he's choosing Sophie, but really he's choosing poor Agatha. This is a page-turning book full of surprises and a series full of plot twists.

I read this during 3rd grade and it was great!

Never Ethel Never Ethel

I think I'll be okay I don't know if it's for (PG),so I don't have to be surprised that I get too upset.

I read this book and the rest of the serie. And it's my favourite series of books. The storie is so twisted you can never know what will happen next. And one of the many things I love about it is how I feel so connected to the personages. People like Sophie who seem to have it all can relate because they get how tiring it can be to keep up appearances and people like Agatha who are more of an outsider get to feel what it feels like to be an insider. But the thing i love most about the serie is the ending. The way the author can make it seem like a happy and unhappy one with only one ending to work with. I strongly recommend everyone to read this book.

Nika Nika

I love this book it's great!! Try reading it.

This is an absolutely amazing book, and will always surprise you. It's about two 16-year-old girls One is good and one is bad. Sophie, a perfect girl, a reader and a dreamer. And there's Agatha, rebelious and also a reader, but she never will dream about finding a true love. Sophie has always hoped she will go to the School for Good, but Agatha has only ever thought once about going to the School for Evil, and her 'mother' Callis, has been preparing her. But when they get to the school, Sophie is thrown into the School for Evil and Agatha is thrown into the School or Good. They think it's a mistake. And Sophie is hell-bent on proving it's a mistake. As it follows their time in the school, Agatha finds her power to grant wishes and Sophie, the power to turn into a powerful withery hag. I won't say anything else, you can find out by reading the book, and I highly reccomend this for all ages and hope you will consider my request.

It is a very good book that shares the differences between good and evil and how easily you can get them confused.

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