Thank You, Jackie Robinson

Thank You, Jackie Robinson

By Barbara Cohen

1 rating 1 review 1 follower
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 2 - 5P4.426160
A fatherless white boy, who shares with an old black man an enthusiasm for the Brooklyn Dodgers and first baseman, Jackie Robinson, takes a ball autographed by Jackie to his elderly friend's death bed.
Publisher: Demco Media
ISBN-13: 9780606162043
ISBN-10: 0606162046
Published on 4/1/1999
Binding: Paperback

Book Reviews (1)

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it was a happy begining........but not until it turned in to a disaster. This book is filled with happyness and sadness at the same time.