By The Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead

By The Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead

By Julie Ann Peters

1 rating 1 review 6 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 9 - 12Grades 1 - 4n/a3.545974
After a lifetime of being bullied, Daelyn is broken beyond repair. She has tried to kill herself before, and is determined to get it right this time. Though her parents think they can protect her, she finds a Web site for “completers” that seems made just for her. She blogs on its forums, purging her harrowing history. At her private Catholic school, the only person who interacts with her is a boy named Santana. No matter how poorly she treats him, he just won’t leave her alone. And it’s too late for Daelyn to be letting people into her life . . . isn’t it?

In this harrowing, compelling novel, Julie Anne Peters shines a light on what might make a teenager want to kill herself, as well as how she might start to bring herself back from the edge. A discussion guide and resource list prepared by “bullycide” expert C. J. Bott are included in the back matter.
Publisher: Hyperion / DBG
ISBN-13: 9781423116189
ISBN-10: 1423116186
Published on 1/5/2010
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 224

Book Reviews (1)

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I think this book is amazing because its a life about a suicidal teenager and her parents are embarrassed by her. The day she starts counting down from her death plan a guy came started talking(he has cancer)to her and they started liking each other,in the end she doesn't go suicide because of him.This book has a very strong message and makes you understand the life of someone who has been bullied to a point were they don't want to live,it makes you rethink about what you have done to people and how badly you could have hurt them.