A Twist and Turn in Penguin Time (Penguin Adventures Book 1)

A Twist and Turn in Penguin Time (Penguin Adventures Book 1)

By Jasmine Sing

11 ratings 45 reviews 15 followers

An old carnival prize turns out to be much more than what Midnight, Ponywell, and Starfire bargained for!

The three penguins suddenly find that the mystical art of time travel is now open to them for adventures. Lucky for them, they've got the perfect opportunity to test out their newly discovered time machine.

Unfortunately, Ponywell and Starfire aren't that great at controlling the machine. From the past to present to future and back again, the penguins are all over the place!

Will they ever get back home?

Find out in "A Twist and Turn in Penguin Time"!
Publisher: Internet Niche Publishers
Published on 1/30/2012
Binding: Kindle Edition
Number of pages: 39

Book Reviews (40)

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I recommend this book to everyone- especially penguin lovers!

thecheeseguy thecheeseguy

I'm glad I read this book. Its about three penguins who travel through time to the past and the future. The see dinos, an older version of one of their friends in the future, and the time of the cowboys! (or cow-penguins) READ THIS BOOK

After reading a twist and turn in penguin time, my life became better. I got into the school I wanted, I become a millionaire, and my skin became silky smooth!

wellhello wellhello

I suggest this book because its really good. It's about three girl penguins who find a time machine, and two of the penguins go through time. Believe me, the book is way better than it looks.

Its cute and small!

I like this book! The pics are really colorful. Great for boys and girls, but mostly girls. I like this book cause its cute and funny

Dmmaf Dmmaf

Short and sweet. The penguins ate pizza and have cell phones. The jokes are funny. This is a kindle book and it isn't in the library. I like the creative names. I thought that this book was for babies, but it isn't! Starfire is my fav penguin

Melodymelon Melodymelon

The book was cute. My dad got it for my little sister and I read it to her. The names are nice. Time travel is involved in this book. And dinosaurs.

This book is cute! the names are so cool. the pics are great and colorful! Ponywell, Starfire, and Midnight are best characters EVER

Soo cute!! I love this book! as you can see, im ponywell's BIGGEST fan!

Omigosh you must love this book alot! :)

LOL i just liked Ponywell's name

Oh and the book was cute too