Neko Ramen Volume 1: Hey! Order Up!

Neko Ramen Volume 1: Hey! Order Up!

By Kenji Sonishi

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Taishou was a former kitten model, who ran away from home and had a hard life on the streets...until the day he was saved by a kind ramen shop owner who later served as his mentor. Now Taishou takes pride in his noodles...and is easily angered when customers are dissatisfied! So step aside, Soup Nazi - there's a new cat in town!
Publisher: Tokyopop
ISBN-13: 9781427817792
ISBN-10: 1427817790
Published on 7/5/2010
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 143

Book Reviews (1)

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This is a good manga series, but its rated Teen, mostly because the characters swear a little. But otherwise, it's still really funny!