Larger-Than-Life Lara

Larger-Than-Life Lara

By Dandi Daley Mackall

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Grades 4 - 6Grades 4 - 5Tn/an/a
When Lara Phelps walks into Laney Grafton's fourth-grade class, Laney feels the air change. Lara is fat. Really fat. Finally, there will be someone else for the boys to pick on, Laney thinks. But as the class prepares for the school play, Lara doesn't act the way a fat kid should. She's confident. She's happy. And nothing, it seems, can change her positive attitude. Until one day, when Laney's classmates do the unthinkable.

Bestselling author Dandi Daley Mackall tells this original and poignant story through the use of sparkling language, a winsome narrator, and a clever structure that illustrates just what makes a story a story.

Publisher: Dutton Books for Young Readers
ISBN-13: 9780525477266
ISBN-10: 0525477268
Published on 8/17/2006
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 160

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