thepielord's Activity (95)

  • anna81140
    anna81140is now following thepielord.
    Over 8 years ago
  • anna81140
    anna81140is now following nannerb.
    Over 8 years ago
  • schulzek
    schulzek replied to a comment in
    Very thoughtful. Great comment!
    Over 8 years ago
  • schulzek
    schulzekliked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    If any body has read War of the Worlds or has simply done a science experiment (I know those are two very different things, but trust me, they connect) then you would know that if you even change the tiniest thing in any of the variables, you'll know that the result will conclude differently. I think that if any microbes from Earth came i contact with alien life that it would definitely change the outcome had it not. So, I think maybe observing before we jump to see what is going on is most likely a better option.
    Over 8 years ago
  • ave17
    ave17 added a new comment in
    Over 8 years ago
  • nannerb
    nannerb added a new comment in
    My opinion about the Nobel Prize awards ceremony is that it sounds like a lot of fun. I mean who doesn't love to through and make paper airplanes
    Over 8 years ago
  • emarie
    emarie added a new comment in
    My opinion is that I think that this is the next generation of awards ceremonies. This is the kind of thing everyone wants and if we just change a bit of the rules, this could be something amazing, awesome, and fun.
    Over 8 years ago
  • nannerb
    nannerb added a new comment in
    If it would mess up a race if it was there because of our genetics
    Over 8 years ago
  • ave17
    ave17is now following baeamzing.
    Over 8 years ago
  • emarie
    emarie added a new comment in
    If any body has read War of the Worlds or has simply done a science experiment (I know those are two very different things, but trust me, they connect) then you would know that if you even change the tiniest thing in any of the variables, you'll know that the result will conclude differently. I think that if any microbes from Earth came i contact with alien life that it would definitely change the outcome had it not. So, I think maybe observing before we jump to see what is going on is most likely a better option.
    Over 8 years ago

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