Friendship List #4: 13 and 3/4

Friendship List #4: 13 and 3/4

By Lisa Greenwald

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Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
ISBN-13: 9780062875273
ISBN-10: 0062875272
Published on 8/4/2020
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 304

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Ari and Kaylan are making one last list- but this one may be the hardest yet. Instead of spending the summer together with Brookside Pool-days, Ari and Kaylan are each going to different summer camps for a month. But they're being Loyal to the List and making sure to get one last list in- 13 and 3/4 things before they turn 13 and 3/4. Ari, being the chill and fun person she is, is excited to go back to her summer BFFs and Golfy at Camp Silver. Whereas Kaylan is stepping outside her comfort zone and trying a comedy camp. At first, Kaylan is terrified. She won't know anyone there! But Kaylan makes friends and learns the important lesson of trying something new. Ari is happy to be back at Camp Silver, but her little sister, Gemma, is dampening the mood with her homesickness and clinginess. But they need to make sure to be Loyal to the List one last time. In the finale for the Friendship List series, you see tremendous character development, as well as kisses and the message that friendship can last forever, no matter what happens. Happy reading!