Fantasy Football

Fantasy Football

By Jennifer LoGalbo

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In this humorous satire of typical high school drama, seventeen-year-old Parker Collins learned early in life to trust no one, including her own family. She lived a desolated life, unfazed by the lack of social interaction. But when she signs on as the photographer for her school's newspaper, her social skills and trust are put to the test.

Parker's photographic skills and keen eye doesn't go unnoticed by her schoolmates or popular quarterback, Trent Cummins. And to the dismay of every girl vying for his attention in hopes of becoming his homecoming queen, Trent's attention is fixed solely on Parker. But Parker despises Trent, especially after he dumped her sister for her arch nemesis and newspaper editor, Casey Whitmore.

When an illness lands Parker in the hospital, she begins receiving mysterious notes. And not every love letter stuffed in her
locker is from her secret admirer. Some are hate letters from Trent groupies.

After her locker is defaced, Parker sets a trap to catch the culprit in the act. But she gets more than just incriminating evidence;
she also learns who her secret admirer is, which complicates her
life even more. Now she must make a painstaking decision to either give up her passion for photography and go back to her mundane life, or take action and gain back control. Her decision changes not only her life, but everyone around her; including her family's.

Author's Note: Due to some language, not recommended for preteens.
Published on 1/23/2011
Binding: Kindle Edition
Number of pages: 176

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