Current Events for February 23, 2014Sunday, February 23, 2014 at 11:33 am

Venezuela's Most Persistent Lightning Storm Keeps Going And Going And . . .

The most exciting storms are ones accompanied by flashes of lightning. Unfortunately those are rare, unless you are in the vicinity of the Catatumbo River in Northwestern Venezuela, home to the spectacular everlasting 'rib a-ba’, or ‘river of fire' lighting storms.

The Sports You Will Not See At Sochi Or Any Other Winter Olympics!

This year's Winter Olympics is the longest in the 90-year history of the games. That's because the International Olympics Committee decided to add a record, twelve new events across eight disciplines - ranging from ski half-pipe to snowboard parallel slalom and even a Luge - team rally competition. Does that mean that future Winter Olympics will be as long? Not necessarily. Here are a few sports that made a grand debut and even lasted a few games, before being scrapped in favor of more exciting and popular sports!

Have Superbugs? Call In The Xenex Germ-Zapping Robot!

When one thinks of fighting robots, it is usually in context of them combating large terrifying alien creatures, not microorganisms that are invisible to the human eye. But the emergence of resilient bacteria that scientists call superbugs, has left medical experts with no choice, but to call in the best combat force available!

Mexico's One Man Alpine Ski Team!

If you happened to watch the opening ceremony of the Sochi Winter Olympic Games you may have noticed an unusual sight - A single athlete representing Mexico. It was not because other contestants from the country had decided to skip the parade, but because Prince Hubertus von Hohenlohe, is Mexico's sole representative at the Games.

Video of the Week - Daredevils Attempt Tightrope Walk Between Two Hot Air Balloons!

While daredevils like Nik Wallenda make it look easy, tightrope walking is not for the faint of heart under any circumstances. Now imagine trying the feat thousands of feet above the ground, on a three-inch-wide rope tied to two floating hot air balloons! That is exactly the stunt two French men tried to pull off on February 6th, 2013, in South of France.

Urban Bees Respond to Littering by Adopting Innovative Nest-Building Techniques

As you probably know, being 'busy as a bee', is not just an empty metaphor. From searching for nectar and pollen to tending to honeycombs, bees are amongst the hardest workers out there. So it should come as no surprise that two species of urban leafcutter bees in Canada, have learnt to adapt to our increasingly polluted world, by using small pieces of plastic found in the litter, to build their nests.

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