Majure and Moore's Classroom

Current Events for April 11, 2012Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 5:53 am

World Maths Day

On March 5th, over 750,000 students from all over the world participated in World Maths Day, an online math competition hosted by Australian company 3P learning in collaboration with Voyager Expanded Learning, a leading publisher of K-12 educational solutions in America.

Re-Creating The Beijing Olympic Village With Legos

The Beijing Olympics are going to be remembered for many things - the stunning opening ceremony, the number of records shattered and most of all the amazing architecture of some of the structures the events are being held in.

The Stunning Pink Dolphin

A rare pink bottlenose dolphin has been drawing throngs of people to Lake Calcasieu, an inland saltwater estuary in Louisiana. The stunning mammal, believed to be the only one of its kind in the world, was spotted a few weeks ago, by charter boat captain, Eric Rue.

Robo-Fish To The Rescue!

If British Scientists have their way, the waters around Europe may soon be swarming with schools of strange looking fish. However, before you rush to get your fishing rods, be warned, for these are no ordinary fish, but robo-fish, released to sniff out toxic water pollutants.

All Parents Are The Same . . . . . . . Simply Amazing!

While we all know that human parents will do anything to protect their children from danger, if these two birds are any indication, the same principal applies in the animal world.

Iceland's Spectacular Volcano Eruption Causes Chaos

Yesterday's spectacular explosion of Iceland's Eyjafjallajökul volcano partly melted the glacier above and not only caused a major flood resulting in the evacuation of seven hundred people, but has also left air passengers stranded across six continents!

OMG! Flamingos Wear Makeup Too!

Humans have been enhancing their looks with make-up since ancient times. Now it seems that so have flamingos - Their color of choice? Pink of course!

Japan's Latest Fashion Craze - LED Teeth

You have probably heard the expression - He/she lights up the room with his/her dazzling smile. Now you can outshine any pearly whites with this latest Japanese fashion craze - LED teeth!

Scientists And Dolphins Learn How To 'Talk' To Each Other

It is a well-known fact that dolphins are amongst the most intelligent animals on the planet. Yet, we have never figured out how to really communicate with them or for that matter, any other animals either. Now, a team of scientists from Florida's Wild Dolphin project, have taken the first step towards cracking the code.

Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Is Active Again!

If you have ever been to Hawaii's Big Island, you may have noticed that it's beaches are covered with black volcanic sand - that's because the Island is home to some of the world's most active volcanoes.

Hummingbirds Don't Suck Nectar In - They Drink It!

For over two centuries, scientists have maintained that hummingbirds suck in nectar by capillary action (the same way liquid gets sucked up by a straw), using the tube-like channels that lie inside their tongues. However, a new study conducted by Alejendro Rico-Guevara, an ornithologist from the University of Connecticut, refutes that, and he has video footage to prove it.

Spectacular Eruption At Chile's Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcano

Before the ash from Iceland's Grimsvotn volcano has even had a chance to settle down, another spectacular eruption is making headlines. This time around, it is not in Iceland but in the world's other volcano hotspot - Chile. After being dormant for over 50 years, one of the craters of the Puyenhue-Cordon Caulle volcano suddenly came to life on Saturday, June 4th and erupted with a fury, that has not been seen in recent times.

Ancient Seagrass May Be The World's Oldest Living Organism

43,000 year old Tasmanian plant King Lomita, has just been usurped from its stature as the world's oldest living organism, by a bunch of nondescript looking seagrass that scientists believe have been around for at least 100,000 years, if not more.

300 Million-Year-Old Fossilized Forest Discovered Near Inner Mongolia's Wuda Coal Mine

A University of Pennsylvania paleontologist and a team of Chinese researchers recently stumbled upon an amazing discovery in Northern China - A perfectly fossilized forest that dates all the way back to the Permian Period, when the Earth's plates were still moving towards each other to form the super continent Pangea.

Pre-Historic Titanoboa Rattles New York Commuters

On Thursday, March 22nd, sleepy commuters rushing to catch a train from New York's Grand Central Station were jolted from their reverie by a scary sight - A 2,500 pound, 48 foot long Titanoboa snake. Fortunately, it was not real, but a full-sized replica of the one that slithered on earth, 65 million years ago!

Watch Out! It's April Fool's Day

While April 1st, better known as April Fool's Day, is technically not a holiday, it is a favorite especially for people who like to pull pranks. While the origin of this tradition is a little sketchy, some believe that the light-hearted fun began in 1582, when the Julian calendar (which began the New Year in April), was replaced with today's Gregorian calendar. Others think it was to mark the change of seasons. No matter what its origins, the day can be a lot of fun!

Indian Man Single Handedly Plants 1,200 Acre Forest

We all do our share in helping reduce global warming with small things like generating less trash, taking shorter showers or turning off unnecessary lights. However, very few of us do anything that can make an impact on the entire world, only because we believe we can't do it alone.

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