EndangeredMonday, January 19, 2015 at 5:08 am

Thousands of Endangered Gorillas Found In Africa

Most stories on endangered animals end on a sad note - however here is one that is really exciting and uplifting. Last Tuesday, the U.S. based Wildlife Conservation Society announced that they had found over 125,000 rare endangered gorillas in the swamps of Congo, Africa.

Endangered Frogs Flown To Safety

Dozens of Giant Ditch Frogs, popularly known as Mountain Chicken Frogs, are being flown from the Caribbean island of Montserrat to London, to help prevent this highly endangered amphibian from becoming completely extinct.

Gulf Coast Oil Spill Threatens Fragile Ecosystem

A yet to be controlled oil spill near the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico, is turning out to be one of the nation's biggest oil-related catastrophe, threatening not only some of North America's most endangered wildlife, but also, the livelihood of thousands of fishermen.

Researchers Disguise As Pandas To Save The Endangered Animals

Desperate times call for desperate measures. With less than 3,000 Giant Pandas left in the wild, researchers in China are doing everything they can, to ensure that the cuddly mammal does not disappear altogether - Including, posing as Pandas themselves!

Thousands Flock To Get A Whiff Of The World's Stinkiest Flower

Last weekend, thousands of people in two different parts of the world witnessed the same historic event - The opening of the Titan Arum, commonly known 'Corpse' flower, thanks to its pungent odor that smells like rotting flesh.

One Man's Quest To Restore Florida's Coral Reef

Ken Nedimyer first dived into the pristine waters off the Florida Keys at the tender age of 13, whilst on vacation with his parents. He enjoyed it so much, that he returned in 1969 to obtain a degree in Zoology from the Florida Atlantic University and never left.

Can You Spot The Endangered Animals?

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is an international non-profit organization that is constantly trying to remind us to do the right thing to save the Earth - whether it be by protecting endangered wildlife and environments, reversing global warming or, using our limited natural resources in a sustainable manner.

Indian Man Single Handedly Plants 1,200 Acre Forest

We all do our share in helping reduce global warming with small things like generating less trash, taking shorter showers or turning off unnecassary lights. However, very few of us do anything that can make an impact on the entire world, simply because we believe we can't do it alone.

Conservationists Save World's Most Endangered Duck - For Now!

Though these fuzzy cinnamon colored chicks may resemble their ordinary cousins, they are actually one of the world's most endangered species of ducks - The Madagascar Pochard. They are so rare that until about seven years ago, scientists believed they had become extinct.

Lemurs Leap To Forefront Of The 'World's Most Endangered Vertebrate List'

While being at the top of any list is good in most circumstances, in the case of Madagascar's 103 known species of lemurs it is a 'kiss of death' - Literally! That's because a shocking study released by the International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission earlier this week, revealed that 23 species of the primates are now 'critically endangered', 52 are endangered and 19 are vulnerable. These dire statistics mean that the primates are the most endangered vertebrates on earth - More so than any other mammal, reptile, amphibian, bird or bony fish!

Can Changing Rope Color Help Save Endangered Whales?

With less than 400 specimens known to exist today, the North Atlantic right whales rank high on the list of the world's most endangered animals. While most of the population decline can be attributed to relentless hunting that continued well into the 20th century, the few mammals left, are now fighting a new enemy - Lobster fishing nets!

South Korea Hopes To Revive Endangered Wildlife Inside These Giant Glass Biodomes

With humans increasingly invading and polluting spaces that were once teeming with wildlife, the list of endangered animals grows longer every day. Now South Korea, a country that boasts a population density 10 times the global average, is planning to take a bold step to try reverse at least some of the damage, with a new National Research Center for Endangered Animals.

Endangered Orca Whale Pod Welcomes First Newborn In Two Years

Though the sight of a baby whale is always welcome, the report of a newborn in the group of orcas that scientists call the J-Pod, is particularly exciting. That's because, this batch which is part of the 77-member Southern Resident Killer Whale group (SRKW) that reside off the coast of the state of Washington and British Columbia, has been on the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's endangered list since 2005.

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