Current Events for October 18, 2013Friday, October 18, 2013 at 7:34 pm

Will RoboBeesĀ Help Alleviate The Loss Of Honey Bees?

Though scientists have known about Colony-Collapse Disorder, the phrase used to describe the untimely deaths of millions of honey bees across the globe for many years, nobody has yet been able to ascertain why. With bees responsible for pollinating crops worth in excess of $200 billion USD a year, something has to be done to avert what could soon become a global food crisis.

The Deceptively Frail Seahorse Provides Inspiration For Robotic Armor Designs

With their beautiful colors, upright swimming abilities and curled up tails, seahorses are magical creatures. Now it turns out, that these seemingly fragile fish are tough enough to weather impact that would destroy most living creatures - So much so, that researchers are planning to mimic their body structure to solve a problem that has been eluding them for many years.

Ingenious Coralbots May Help Restore Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are not just beautiful to look at, but also, extremely useful. Considered the marine equivalent of tropical rainforests, they cover only 2% of the ocean bottom but harbor almost 25% of all marine life. However, like many other species, this amazing ecosystem that has been around for five hundred million years is in danger of being eradicated completely, if something is not done soon.

World's Best Female Rock Climber is Just . . . 20 Years Old!

Rock climbing, where participants ascend or descend natural rock formations is not an easy sport. It requires not only physical strength, but also, complete mental concentration. But don't tell 20-year old Sasha diGuilian that. This fearless girl who has been dominating the sport ever since she entered the fray, is just getting warmed up.

'Power Flour' Aspires To Feed The World's Hungry With Insect Protein

Most people are grossed out by insects and believe them to be just a nuisance. However, a group of students from Montreal-based McGill University think of them as protein that can be used to feed millions of malnourished people worldwide, an idea so powerful that it won them the prestigious 2013 Hult Prize on September 23rd.

Kite Patch Makes Humans Invisible . . . To Mosquitoes!

Ever since JK Rowling planted the 'invisibility cloak' seed, scientists all over the world have been rushing to be the first ones to make it a reality. Now there seems to be a winner - A tiny square sticker called Kite Patch. The only catch? It makes humans invisible only to mosquitoes!

Smog Eating Sidewalks And Concrete Recycling Robots? Awesome!

With global warming on the rise, innovative solutions to combat pollution are becoming increasingly important. While there are many that are unveiled each week, only a few have the capability of tackling the issues on a scale large enough, to make a real difference. Here are two ingenious ones that definitely make the cut.

Visually Impaired Pole Vaulters Fly High

Of all the sports played today, pole vault is one of the most demanding in technique and athleticism. So imagine competing when you are legally blind! Not one, but two high school girls have accomplished this daunting and seemingly impossible feat. 15-year-old Charlotte Brown of Emory, Texas and 17-year-old Aria Ottmueller of Chandler, Arizona are both standout athletes who have found out-of-the-box ways to overcome their visual impairment and conquer not just this, but other sports as well.

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