Week of 3/7Sunday, March 6, 2016 at 8:44 pm

Australian Toddler Has A Memorable First Encounter With A Vending Machine

The expression 'caught with a hand in the cookie jar', took on a whole new meaning on Sunday, February 28, when a young Australian boy got his hand stuck inside a vending machine. The chain of events leading to the bizarre incident began just after noon, when four-year-old Leo Shorthouse saw a vending machine filled with all kinds of yummy goodies in a hotel lobby in Melbourne, Australia.

Video Of The Week - Hate Cleaning? Get A Cat!

The fact that cats are obsessed with cleanliness is well known. Felines, after all, do spend 50% of their waking hours grooming. However, this cat in Japan appears to be also concerned about keeping its home spotless.

Celebrate International Polar Bear Day With Nora, Columbus Zoo's Adorable Polar Bear Cub

Every February 27, the world observes International Polar Bear Day. Started ten years ago by US-based nonprofit Polar Bear International (PMI) it is observed to raise awareness of the vulnerable species whose rapidly dwindling numbers are often forgotten because they dwell in the sparsely populated circumpolar Arctic.

The Battery Of The Future May Be Made Of Paper!

Creating batteries that are smaller, cheaper, rechargeable and most importantly environmentally friendly has been the holy grail for engineers across the globe for many years. Now some researchers at Sweden's Linköping University may have finally succeeded in cracking the code with a battery made of paper!

Wingboarding May Allow Thrill-Seekers To Soar Amid Clouds

Thrill-seekers looking for a challenge may soon have a new option - Wingboarding. The sport is similar to wakeboarding except for one thing - Instead of performing acrobatics on water, wingboarders will conduct heart-stopping maneuvers in the skies while being towed behind an airplane.

Crafty Butterfly Disguises Its Pupa To Resemble The World's Most Venomous Snake

Snakes are amongst the most feared animals in the world. The sight of the slithering reptiles can send even the bravest human or animal scampering for safety. One clever butterfly species has figured out how to capitalize on this universal terror by transforming its pupa to resemble the world's most venomous snake!

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