really really cool

That's Sneaky: Stealthy Secrets and Devious Data That Will Test Your Lie Detector (National Geographic Kids)
By Crispin Boyer
Book Reviews (22)
When I won this book, I thought it was exclusively going to be about spies. I was wrong, but in a good way. It was jam packed with classified information that I've never even heard before, and it wasn't all about spies. It had sneaky animals, ninjas, counterfeits, secret rooms, and lots more! I really enjoyed this book, so thank you, Dogo Books for sending me one. : )
I LOVE this book!!!!!
I would actualy like to have at least a book for a chrismas present
i tried the secret note thing and guess what... it works!!!!!! i want to get that book for christmas
sounds cool I am a big Nat- Geo fan
Man I wish I could do magic and summon that book to me.
best book ever
hey i have some advice don't judge a book by its cover. and yes i thought it sounds cool