[The 5th Wave] (By: Rick Yancey) [published: July, 2013]

[The 5th Wave] (By: Rick Yancey) [published: July, 2013]

By Rick Yancey

34 ratings 69 reviews 61 followers
Book 1 of 3 in the  5th Wave Series
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 9 - 12Grades 3 - 5n/a4.6116991
"Remarkable, not-to-be-missed-under-any-circumstances."—Entertainment Weekly (Grade A)

The Passage meets Ender's Game in an epic new series from award-winning author Rick Yancey.

After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one.

Now, it's the dawn of the 5th wave, and on a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs from Them. The beings who only look human, who roam the countryside killing anyone they see. Who have scattered Earth's last survivors. To stay alone is to stay alive, Cassie believes, until she meets Evan Walker. Beguiling and mysterious, Evan Walker may be Cassie's only hope for rescuing her brother--or even saving herself. But Cassie must choose: between trust and despair, between defiance and surrender, between life and death. To give up or to get up.

"Wildly entertaining . . . I couldn't turn the pages fast enough."—Justin Cronin, The New York Times Book Review

"A modern sci-fi masterpiece . . . should do for aliens what Twilight did for vampires."—USAToday.com
Publisher: Speak
ISBN-13: 9780425290323
ISBN-10: 0425290328
Published on 10/3/2017
Binding: Paperback

Book Reviews (70)

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My grandmother bought me this book at a store and i haven't started reading it yet it looks good !!!!!!!!!!! ! Mason Theiss

MaryBear101 MaryBear101

❤❤❤ loved it other should read it also!

MaryBear101 MaryBear101

Is there any love in this book?

This book is very amazing after reading it you really admire almost all the characters and I especially love the plot you know aliens take over and I really like how they do it in waves. I don't want to spoil it so i'll stop there anyway I recommend this book to the Sci-Fi book person who can handle lots of suspense.

This book, The 5th Wave, By Rick Yancey. In the novel, aliens invade the earth, bringing death and destruction in five well defined waves. A young teenager name Cassie who lost her family accept her little brother Sammy. Until she meets Evan Walker. Beguiling and mysterious, Evan Walker may be Cassie’s only hope for rescuing her brother.I really like this novel, it is so cool and fun, also it is better than the movie I recommend this book to you.

thelittrlbro thelittrlbro

oh my goodness I just wached the movie and it is the best movie ever I love it if you have not read or seen the movie you should

This book is talking about Earth that had just gone through an alien apocalypse. Cassie is just a normal teenager, but the first four waves of the alien invasion changed her life. After plagues, tsunamis, earthquakes, everyone that's left live in a world of danger and no one can be trusted. I like this book because the author described the surroundings in detail and described it so that we can feel it had been through something terrible. My favorite character in the book is Zombie, or Ben Parish because he is trained as a soldier to kill "aliens" along with hundreds of other teenagers, and the author talked about his harsh training and how he still endured it. He also has a likeable personality and is caring to other smaller members. I would recommend this book to others who enjoy science fiction books or is just looking for a novel to read. I would rate this book 4.8/5 stars.

Cassiopeia is a beautiful queen (but very narcissistic) who was set up in the heavens by Poseidon (cough cough Percy Jackson's dad) to become a constellation after boasting too much. Even though Cassie is named after Cassiopeia, Cassie isn't quite vain... in fact, she is quite intellectual, and you'll learn to love her. I think that girl heroes are awesome... Like the Divergent series... well Tris can really kick butt... and that's the same thing with Cassie... Girls can fight like guys... or maybe even better (now I'm not insulting the guys... I'm just simply stating the truth... okay.. just kidding XD... guys and girls are all awesome)... Anyways... As a teenager (Cassie) thinks about what teenagers normally think about... "OMG, did you see that cute guy!!!" or maybe "I hope I do well on that pop quiz that Mr. Daniels gave me" (now all of these scenarios are stereotypes, so don't take them personally)... but it shows that teenagers don't think about their own death... or even when the world is going to be abducted by aliens... So once the plane came crashing down during school... you can see how everything played out... a hot mess... the first wave came, then the second wave, the third wave, and the fourth wave.. while all the survivors are anxiously waiting for the fifth wave... After these four waves... Cassie becomes tired of running away... her mom passed away from an illness while her father is murdered right in front of Cassie's eyes! After the soldiers, who they say they are, take all the children... including Nugget (Sam, Cassie's adorable younger brother)... Cassie and Evan decides to take their plan in their own hands... There comes a time with many sacrifices.. and this is the time... Cassie must battle through this horrendous generation and help rescue her brother by passing through all these complex technology... but can she trust Evan... Who is Evan??? Will Cassie ever find Sam??? Or will he be lost like the other children??? Well to answer these questions... you must read this amazing book to find out... So i really liked this book... it had me hooked to the beginning and end.... there is no part in the book that'll make you feel bored... because the author makes this book so realistic (I know the end of the world... but the author really pulls you in) that it's like your like Cassie's shadow, taking in part of this journey... And one tiny warning... do not pronounce Cassie like Cass- ee- oh- PEE- a... it drives her crazy... But if you want adventure and suspense leading you on every page... this book is perfect for you!

Your review was amazing! I was wondering whether or not I should read this book and now I think I am.

Thank you @spinnypeeps! I wish people at DOGO could have something like a convention and we could actually meet and have a one to one talk... it's cool to talk online... but I met a lot of amazing people (like you) and I want to talk to them face to face! ::DDD

wildorcid wildorcid

I've seen the trailer for this so far what I read is pretty good so far the book is AWSOME;

Really good

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