American Horror Story : Murder House

American Horror Story : Murder House

By Ryan Murphy

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American Horror Story is a dramatic television series created and produced by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. Each season, the series focuses on a different setting and story.

In the first season, a family that moves to a house Los Angeles, unaware that it is haunted. Father Ben Harmon is trying to deal with his wife's rejection after he has an affair with a student, and soon falls under the house's sway. Meanwhile, wife Vivien must not only try to forgive her husband but deal with the aftereffects of a miscarriage. Daughter Violet is confronted with hostile girls at her new school and befriends her father's disturbed teenage patient, Tate Langdon. And lurking nearby is neighbor Constance, a former actress who both hates and is oddly protective of her special-needs daughter Adelaide , who can sense the house's evil.
Publisher: TV Guide Publications
Published on 4/16/2015
Binding: Kindle Edition
Number of pages: 105

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