SpaceX Founder Elon Musk Envisions Supersonic Rail Travel

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What is futuristic, has the potential to transport passengers faster than an airplane, and resembles a Disneyland ride? It's Hyperloop - a design for a supersonic transportation system between high-traffic cities that lie within short distances conjured up by Elon Musk, the visionary behind SpaceX, the world's first privately funded spacecraft.

Unveiled by the billionaire entrepreneur on August 12th in response to the State of California's proposal to create a high-speed train that reduces travel time between San Francisco to Los Angeles from the current 12+ hours to less than three hours, Hyperloop aspires to cover the distance in a mere 35 minutes.

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And while achieving this kind of speed may seem impossible without jeopardizing the safety of its passengers, Musk's design incorporates among other things, an old tested process similar to the one used by pneumatic tubes to shoot mail and packages within and across buildings, except on a larger scale.

Passengers would sit themselves in aluminum pods or capsules that are suspended inside a nearly air-free tube, built either on the surface or underground. A combination of magnetic attraction and solar power, as well as, lack of wind resistance, would allow the capsules to zoom across at speeds exceeding 700 miles per hour. Musk envisions that at each pod would have the capacity to carry up to 28 passengers and that there would be as many as 70 pods traveling back and forth, during peak commute hours.

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Musk's design also includes building pods that can fit entire cars. So all passengers would have to do, is drive into the pod, sit back and relax for about half hour and then simply drive off! And of course given his penchant for clean technology the train would be solar powered, completely weatherproof and be able to withstand the big earthquakes that California is so well known for.

If all this sounds a little bit too futuristic to you, that's because it is. So much so, that Musk has excused himself from building it because of his super busy schedule. What he is hoping to do instead, is inspire others to start thinking along the same lines so that someday Hyperloop may actually become a reality.

And it seems to be working - Utah-based White Clouds has already released a 3-D model of Musk's design and many other companies are taking a closer look. Of course building it in real-life may prove a little more challenging. But, all amazing things always begin with a dream and who knows, maybe in 20-30 years, we may all be traveling aboard the Hyperloop!


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  • Suyaover 10 years
    Not cool
    • Umm...over 10 years
      A magic unicorn!!!!!
      • *amazed*over 10 years
        So EpIc I wAnT tRy It!
        • Good dudeover 10 years
          Really futuristic
          • goodover 10 years
            this is so awesome I will use for my current event in school on Monday grade 6.i feel like I am writing a story about what I am going to do from this story wow I wrote a lot in one minute. the end of my story of what I will do with story wow
            • ahed
              ahedover 10 years
              cool man
              • mibo01177
                mibo01177over 10 years
                thats cool
                • spaceman3000over 10 years
                  this would work for the moon and my moma
                  • dreamgirlover 10 years
                    wow that id amazing I am using that for my current event.rms
                    • CHRISTIANover 10 years