Rare Medical Condition Leaves Woman Seeing The World Upside Down

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Ever wondered how the world would look if everything around appeared topsy turvy? Just ask Bojana Danilovic, a Serbian woman who has always see it that way!

Born with a rare brain condition that experts from Harvard University and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology call spatial orientation phenomenon, the 28-year old sees everything just like a normal person would. However, for reasons nobody has been able to determine, her brain turns it all, upside down!

While there are a few people in the world with a similar affliction, their issues are limited to how they write or read. In Bojana's case it is so bad that as a baby she even crawled and walked in reverse and while she now walks normally, it took a lot of practice to get it right. Unfortunately, no amount of practice could get her writing or reading in a normal fashion.

So how does this amazing woman get through her day? By turning everything from newspapers to the computer and keyboard at work to even, holding her mobile phone upside down. As for television? Her family has two - One mounted atop the other! Hers of course is upside down.

Resources: news.com.au, dailymail.co.uk

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  • jjerue23about 10 years
    • nevawithoutaboo
      nevawithoutabooabout 10 years
      I feel so sorry for the elderly woman that sees many of those hulisinations ( P.S. I don't know how to spell hulisinations yet so please don't make fun of me!)
    • dr. philabout 10 years
      how does she write?
      • jjerue23about 10 years
        so sad
        • huter1234567891about 10 years
          I to see her like that
          • rozeb
            rozebover 10 years
            That would be cool to have that for a day but not for your entire life. I feel so sorry for her.
            • mintshine
              mintshineover 10 years
              feel so sorry for her
              • pineapplewaffle
                pineapplewaffleover 10 years
                She probably sees it because without a part of your brain function or something, you see things upside down. Her brain probably forgot to flip the picture or the world upside down.
              • catylizard
                catylizardover 10 years
                daaaang one day i heard about a condistion and someone grew an extra skelleton and could not move
              • ronover 10 years
                i feel bad for when she has to go up or down stairs