Got Milk? Vermont Bear's Adventure Inside A Milk Gallon!

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Over the weekend, a young Vermont black bear payed dearly for his curiosity. Upon coming across an old fashioned milk gallon, the bear decided to stick his head inside only to discover, that he could not pull it out again.

Bumping around boulders and trees, the poor little thing meandered around the forests for about six hours before he was spotted, lying down exhausted and breathing heavily!

State biologist Forest Hammond tranquilized the bear and tried to lubricate his head with soap to see if the gallon would slide off. When that did not work, he recruited some firefighters who helped cut the can off gently, releasing the poor bear from his misery.

The whole process took about 45 minutes, but when it was finally done, the bear was absolutely okay and scampered away unhurt, from what was probably his worst nightmare.

Vermont officials believe that the bear was hungry and decided to put his head in the gallon after spotting some bird food at the bottom. We have a feeling that the little guy has learned his lesson and will not be seen poking his head inside anything ever again!,

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  • GTRabout 14 years
    • GTRabout 14 years
      • kateabout 14 years
        poor little bear but it is so cool
        • funnyabout 14 years
          funny funny bear!lol
          • funnyabout 14 years
            funny funny bear!lol
            • funnyabout 14 years
              funny funny bear!lol
              • funnyabout 14 years
                funny funny bear!lol
                • smilygirl762about 14 years
                  i feel soooooooooooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  • esenseabout 14 years
                    • giggle girlabout 14 years
                      i feel so bad for that bear!!!!!!!!! i hope the little bear is o.k.