Finally, A School That Understands Teenagers!

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You're lost in the world of dreams and sleep. You roll over, smiling as you encounter a swimming pool filled with chocolate. And then 'poof' - Your wonderful dream becomes a nightmare where someone is screaming "GET UP!!" - No this isn't some boot camp, but just what every teenager goes through each morning!

Now, there seems to be one school that finally understands that requiring teens to show up at the ungodly hour of 9.00am is not just cruel but also detrimental, to both the kids and the school.

The Monkseaton High School in North Tyneside, Britain recently decided to experiment to see if there is any difference in student behavior if they just pushed back the start of their day by one hour, from 9.00am to 10.00am - And the results as we teens could have told you, are . . . . . . astounding.

Since implementing the later start, Monkseaton has seen a 28% drop in truancy, hardly any tardiness, and best of all, higher test scores. One of the reasons of course, is that the teenagers are much happier to have the extra hour of sleep, but there is also a scientific reason behind why they need the extra sleep.

The school's decision to push back the time was based on research conducted by Oxford professor Russell Foster, a neuroscientist, who concluded that teenagers have different sleep cycles than adults. Why? Because in young adults, the hormone melatonin that induces sleep, is secreted later than it is in adults, explaining why teenagers go to bed late and wake up late.

While adults are alert and ready at 8 AM, adolescents are not fully awake until 10 AM, sometimes even noon. Memory tests prove that the more difficult classes should be in the afternoon when teenagers are most alert.

Teachers may argue that their students perform better in the morning, but in reality it is because they in "the zone" while their students are still mildly sedated, making the students easier to control. By lunch, teachers are exhausted and kids are ready to go, giving the impression that students lose concentration over the day.

According to the scientist, teenagers remain 2 time zones behind their adult counterparts from ages, 13-21. After that, this time shift slowly reverses, so by the time a person approaches 50, they are waking up at the same time they did when they were 6.

The Monkseaton school officials are definitely encouraged by the results and plan on voting in June to make it a permanent change - Now if only the rest of the high schools in the world would listen and follow their example, and allow all teens could get some extra zzzz's. Personally, as a tired sixteen year-old, a late start would help me and my chemistry grade tremendously . . . . . .Is anybody listening?


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  • crystalmori
    crystalmoriover 9 years
    Maybe I should print out this article and take it to school.
    • bigmelo
      bigmeloover 9 years
      I know, right? I wonder what the teachers would say, & if there would be consequences...
      • crystalmori
        crystalmoriover 9 years
        I have no idea. The officials at my school seem pretty open. They try out new ideas every few months. I think this might actually receive some good consideration if I brought it up to the Student Council or the principal.
        • crystalmori
          crystalmoriover 9 years
          But only the class representatives are supposed to go to Student Council meetings. I'd have to get special permission.... Before that, though, I should find out what happens at those meetings and who's there to decide if it would even be worth it at all or if I should go with another tactic.
    • crystalmori
      crystalmoriover 9 years
      Ugh.... I so feel you. I'm a first year in high school and have to get up at seven to get to school, which starts at 8:15. And at our school, if you're late to even one class (we have 7 total each day, plus morning assembly), you get lunch detention. This is especially crazy for me because it's winter, and I don't much like getting up before the sun rises. However, it's not as bad as when I went to my old school, which was 2 hours away by bus. I had to set my alarm for 5:30am and I was still tardy pretty often. Thankfully they didn't have the lunch detention thing, though. And despite the long hours and the mildly crazy amounts of homework, the culture there at the school was enough to make everything worth it. If I moved back to the Mountains, I'd want to go there again.
      • happy1929
        happy1929over 9 years
        • aphphilippines
          aphphilippinesover 9 years
          They're lucky in my opinion,I'm 10 and I have to go to school at 8:00am.
          • onepiecefan
            onepiecefanover 9 years
            I wish others school were like that
            • animefan3
              animefan3over 9 years
              There so lucky
              • shivi483
                shivi483over 9 years
                i start at 8am and finish 3;30
              • jack over 9 years
                lucky kids had nothing like this back in the day
                • purpledonut133
                  purpledonut133over 9 years
                  My old school started at 9:00
                • purpledonut133
                  purpledonut133over 9 years
                  My school starts at 8:16 but i get up at 7:30 because i walk
                  • nikukyu
                    nikukyuover 9 years
                    It's not that bad. In Japan we don't have elementary school buses. You have to walk-there's no other option. I have to wake up at 7:00 and school starts on 8:00. Uggghhhh I'm sooo not a morning person...
                    • bigmelo
                      bigmeloover 9 years
                      That's really cool! My school starts at 8:00, & I wake up at 7:00! Instead of going on the bus, my brother & I are driven to school! It's really interesting - even if I am just beginning to experience what it feels like to be a teenager, I feel more tired when I actually do sleep rather than when I don't sleep at all! Maybe I'm a's what kids at my school think I am, anyway.
                      • aphphilippines
                        aphphilippinesover 9 years
                        You and me both.It's worse in the US
                        • frankiebaby
                          frankiebabyover 9 years
                          In my opinion, it isn't that bad because we go at 8, and I still have time to sleep. I get the advantage because the school is basically right next door to me.
                          • bigmelo
                            bigmeloover 9 years
                            You really do have the upper hand! I wonder what it's like to be neighbors with the source of your education...