'Notes Left Behind' - A Six-Year Olds Poignant Legacy

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Elena Desserich was a vivacious five-year old, with beautiful blond hair, a dazzling smile and a spring in her step. She loved to draw, write and read and dreamed of being an artist and a teacher when she grew up.

However, 'growing up' was not in the cards for this special girl. In 2006, shortly after her fifth birthday, Elena was diagnosed with a rare form of pediatric brain cancer and given only 135 days to live.

While devastated by the news, her parents Keith and Brooke, were determined to make each day special for their little girl and her then four-year old sister, Grace.

The long hospital days were spent creating beautiful pieces of art that comprised of magical fairies, hearts and smiling families. During this time, the five-year old created such beautiful masterpieces that one of them now hangs in the Cincinnati Museum, right next to a painting by Picasso! The few days at home were spent being together and doing special things as a family.

Unfortunately, despite months of the best available treatment, Elena's tumor kept growing. She soon lost her ability to speak, instead communicating with her family via notes. However, throughout this heart-wrenching process, the brave girl never lost her dazzling smile.

In order to keep track of every moment of her last days, so that Grace could remember her sister when she grew up, her father kept a journal of everything they did, right down to the food they ate every single day. In August of 2007, Elena passed away peacefully, whilst sleeping next to her mum and dad. However, this remarkable girl was not done with telling her parents and sister how much she loved them - Yet!

A few months after her death, her parents were sorting through some of her things when they came across the first love notes written for them. Thereafter, they kept finding notes in different places - inside books, CD cases and various other places around the house. Some simply stated 'I Love You', while others had pictures of hearts.

Apparently, while her parents were busy chronicling Elena's life, she was leaving her own legacy - And the notes were not just confined to their house, but also found at her grandparents and other relatives homes. Almost two years later, her parents have three boxes full of love notes from their amazing daughter and they keep finding more every day!

As a tribute to the bright loving girl and to help try find a cure for other kids suffering from a similar ailment, her parents have consolidated their memories and some of Elena's notes, into a beautiful book called 'Notes Left Behind' - All author proceeds from the sale of which, will be donated to 'The Cure Starts Now', a Cancer Foundation started by the Desserich family.

To read more about this remarkable girl's legacy and purchase the book go to www.notesleftbehind.com.

sources: gimundo.com,today.msnbc.com, dailymail.co.uk

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  • xxkittyabout 9 years
    so sad ;~; makes me cry!! long live her pictures
    • jaja101
      jaja101about 9 years
      so sad five year old only has 135 days to live..................W0W I am so sad
      • crystalmori
        crystalmoriover 9 years
        It's sad, but may people seem to be getting cancer at much younger ages than they used to. I hope they find a cure fast.... It's sad, but the irony of death is just so... ironic. A soldier who's survived a hundred battles can die from a mere spider bite in his sleep. You never know when something might happen, so you have to treasure every moment as much as you can. Without being afraid of the future (because that would ruin it). As someone once said 'One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching' and 'Worry only creates more problems than were originally there'.
        • bigmelo
          bigmeloabout 9 years
          Cancer is a cause of death that must be cured - it can strike at any time, attacking any person. Cancer almost seems like a ruthless vigilante - slipping in & out of the shadows, yet to be discovered by others... I wish that cancer was a good thing. ;D
          • sebby-chan
            sebby-chanabout 9 years
            I can't help but agree, let's stop cancer!
          • cutiepie1104
            cutiepie1104over 9 years
            • bigmelo
              bigmeloover 9 years
              This story brings tears to my eyes each time I read it. Elena sounds & looks like one of those phenomenal friends that you meet in your lifetime. Unfortunately, I have found that the purest of people are targeted by the many of Earth's tragedies. I'm sure that wherever Elena is right now, she is a happy person, just like she was when she was alive. ;D
              • animefan3
                animefan3about 9 years
                That a sweet sad story bigmelo thx for sharing and R.I.P Elena 😢
              • bigmelo
                bigmeloover 9 years
                & to Grace, your sister was someone that brought a ton of passion & brightness to others' worlds... Rest in peace, Elena, rest in peace. ;)
              • tbl5832
                tbl5832over 9 years
                soo sad.
                • ginnypandas444
                  ginnypandas444over 9 years
                  Bless that amazing little girl. This is so sad but she had loads of talent. 😘We love you😘
                  • so sadover 9 years
                    she needed to have a longer life my friend died of cancer
                    • OMGover 9 years
                      OMG this reminds me about my cousin. She had cancer and had only 129 days to live. AND HE IS ONLY 6!
                      • frankiebaby
                        frankiebabyover 9 years
                        I feel bad for grace and elena. Now grace has no one to play with. R.I.P, elena